sorry jc

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Since jian is dead rn because j is on tour I'm just gonna spit some tea for a few chapters... maybe. Now I don't wanna compare girls or anything but I just wanna say this. For some reason I just can't click with Chelsey like I try but I can't. So that's where the "comparing" comes in at because there's Anna Marie. Her and jc were best friends but I could actually see the click the connection. Anna Marie wasn't afraid to get down and dirty like when they went to the waterfall. She was with Jc after he got his wisdom teeth out..laying on his chest. She was on the cliff with him on the 8,000 ft ledge. So she's adventurous and likes to travel as you can see if u look at her Instagram now. She didn't act all pretty girl in front of Jc and was just herself.alot of people talked about how she would scream to much and was Aggy buy yet she still stayed herself. She wasn't snobby or embarrassed about things when it came to Jc. Thats why I like Anna Marie but with Chelsey I just don't get those things. I get a nice on camera but supposedly is a fun person off camera. Like stop acting cutesy for the camera loosen up.

I just had another chapter in mind but I literally just forgot. 🤕 I hope it comes back.

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