Andrea and Sandra

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Andrea recently tweeted this... now my thing is

 now my thing is

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I mean these pics doesn't necessarily make you bi but like

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I mean these pics doesn't necessarily make you bi but wasn't a surprise either. It is kinda a surprise tho...when u think deeeeeper into it.

Now this

Caylin preach

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Caylin preach....not to lei301 because she agreed but I did see some other comments that didn't. Saying just because that's sandra beliefs doesn't mean she's not your friend or she cares less about you. Your missing the freaking point. Saying it's a choice and can be fixed with therapy is what's wrong. Like forget everything is Sandra said...her beliefs and what not. Yes u can disagree with your friends or w.e on beliefs and still love them a extinct. Saying they chose to be that way and it could be fixed. At the end of the day your belief is your belief but you cant say therapy can change them/her...really she and everyone else still gonna be w.e they are. Just like vegans they can not eat meat all they want..but at the end of the day animals still getting killed anyway..that's not gonna change. IDK WTH that had to do with sexuality but hey😂.

Even if Sandra didn't say it's a choice and the threapy part. Think....your besfriend saying your gonna go to hell. That's harsh and it's not even in a jokingly manner. Like she seriously is saying there going to hell for something they feel like they can't change. Come on now how can u even stick up for Sandra at this point least if your a Andrea Stan. Hell I'm not even the biggest Andrea Stan but gosh. Like I can see if a gay or bi person didn't believe in heaving and he'll anyway that's different. But your saying that to someone who actually believes in God and I'm pretty sure she wants to go to heaven....and u say that. ✌✌

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