Chapter One: First Plan of Action

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Tord was pacing in his office in the red army base. He thought about how it had been years since when Tom had shot down his giant robot with his new harpoon gun. It was thought that Tord had died from the explosion from when the giant robot exploded but in all honesty, that was far from the truth. Tord had survived but had decided to stay in hiding for years while he made his red army stronger than before. It took time and patience to build up his army. He didn't want to fail. No, he mustn't fail now. He's trained his soldiers for years and has made so much progress doing so. He can't turn back now. He knew he had to plan his first attack soon. But where should his first attack be or what should he do first?...

Maybe he would send some soldiers to patrol the streets of the nearest town which happened to be the town that Edd, Tom, and Matt lived in. Would that be a smart idea to do first?... Maybe not... He wanted it all to be unexpected. He thought it'd be easier to decide a first move when he first started wanting to take over the world but now that it was time for him to take the first move in his plan, he didn't know what to choose to do first. As he kept pacing, trying to decide what to do first, he heard a knock on his office door. He stopped pacing and went over to the door but didn't open it yet.
"Who's there?" Was what he asked which his question was soon answered with a "It's just me, Sir." It was his one soldier, Ryan.
Tord partially opened his door, just enough to look at Ryan and talk to him. "What do you want now, Ryan?"

Ryan fidgeted with his thumbs a little. He always was a little nervous when it came to talking to his boss. "M-Me and the other soldiers were wondering what we're going to do first, sir..." A slight scoff was heard coming from Tord as he crossed his arms. Tord rolled his eye at his soldier's question. "Tell the other soldiers to be more patient. I haven't decided what we'll be doing first. Now go make sure the other soldiers don't slack off while they wait for me to make a decision." Ryan sighed and turned to leave. "Y-Yes sir..." And having said that, Ryan left to go do as he has been instructed to do.

Tord closed his office door then went over to his desk and sat down in his comfy chair. He decides that it would still most likely take people off guard if he sent soldiers to patrol the streets and roads of the nearest town.
Yeah, that was a good idea to have some soldiers go and patrol the town to ensure that no one tried to enter or leave the town. He soon got up from his chair, leaving his office and going to where all his soldiers were in the base, waiting for a command. He ordered that forty soldiers would go and patrol the town. Twenty would patrol one half while the other twenty patrolled the other half of the town. He gave them one more command before the soldiers would leave to patrol the town. "And one last thing. If anyone tries to escape or enter the town, unless they work for me, they are to be shot without second thoughts." The soldiers that were selected to patrol nodded at their boss, then left to go do their patrols in the nearby town.

A War to End All Wars {COMPLETED}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang