Chapter Eight: Hatred Alone Can't Describe My Feelings Towards You

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-Tom's POV-

I had a bad feeling about this, but I didn't know why. Was Tord just trying to screw with my emotions? Or was he actually serious about this? Every second that I spent trying to decide about if this was a trick or not, my bad feeling about it kept getting worse. I didn't want to say yes just to find out later that it was a trick. But at the same time, I didn't want to say no and miss the opportunity of dating Tord. Ugh! Why are choices so damn difficult?! I looked to the side, trying to avoid eye contact with Tord but, I could tell he was getting annoyed with how long it was taking me to make my decision. I had a feeling that saying that I'd think about it, wouldn't be a good enough response for Tord but I also didn't want to lie to him. At this point, my safest choice might be for me to just straight up say no to him. I gained all the confidence that I possibly could, and I looked Tord in the eyes. "No. I reject your offer, Tord. I do not wish to date you, nor would I ever want to do such a thing. Don't bother asking me ever again." I huffed.

-Tord's POV-

I felt as if my heart just shattered from Tom rejecting me. Would I ever let Tom see how heartbroken his rejection made me be? No. No, I would never show him how it truly made me feel. However, as much as I wanted to keep my emotions hidden, I could feel my heartbrokenness turning to rage. I gave Tom a look that could only be described as a look of pure anger. "Thomas." I said through gritted teeth. "I don't ask much of you aside from basic tasks. Why would you even consider saying no to me when all I've ever done for you is nothing but treat you with upmost respect and kindness? All I'm asking is that you be mine and only mine for the rest of our lives." I could feel as I was clenching my fists tightly as I was staring Tom directly in the 'eyes'.

-Tom's POV-

When I heard Tord say that he's treated me with nothing but upmost respect and kindness, I felt my temper snap from the lie he just told me. "FUCKING UPMOST RESPECT AND KINDNESS, HUH?!? TELL ME, HOW THE HELL HAVE YOU SHOWN ME THOSE THINGS THROUGHOUT THE YEARS THAT WE'VE KNOWN EACH OTHER, YOU FUCKING DUMBASS BITCH?!?" I knew I was going to get in a hell of a lot of trouble for saying that to Tord but at the moment, I gave no fucks. I could only feel rage. No kindness. No respect for Tord. Nothing. My heart felt like it was as hard as steel and as bitter as a lemon right now. I didn't even try to contain my anger at this point. "YOU'VE NEVER SHOWN KINDNESS AND RESPECT TO ME BEFORE! ALL THROUGHOUT OUR LIVES, YOU'VE BEEN NOTHING BUT A BURDEN TO ME, EDD, AND MATT! YOU'VE BEEN A PAIN IN THE ASS TO US THIS ENTIRE TIME AND WE'VE BEEN HAVING TO PUT UP WITH ALL YOUR DAMN SHIT BECAUSE YOU KEPT USING THE EXCUSE THAT WE WERE YOUR ONLY FRIENDS! I BET THAT WAS A FUCKING LIE, WASN'T IT?!? YOU WERE JUST USING US FOR YOUR OWN AMUSEMENT LIKE WE WERE YOUR FUCKING PUPPETS OR SOME SHIT! ADMIT IT! ADMIT THAT I'M FUCKING RIGHT BECAUSE YOU KNOW THAT EVERYTHING I SAY IS TRUE! AND DON'T EVEN TRY TO MAKE UP ANOTHER ONE OF YOUR BULLSHIT EXCUSES!" After screaming that at Tord, I flipped him off the stormed out of the room. I'm so done with his fucking bullshit.

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