Chapter Sixteen: On the Verge of War

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-Tord's POV-

I had nearly fallen asleep in my office chair when I heard news from one of my soldiers on my headset that the attack had been partially successful, but that Russia was extremely upset about the attack. I felt my heart race a bit from that statement, but I tried to calm myself down. I knew this was a very bad thing. I knew this was going to cause a war between my army and the Russian army. I had no idea how much time I had to prepare for a war but based on the feeling I had about this; I knew this wasn't going to just be a small minor war. I knew this was going to be a massive war that could potentially determine if my army will get destroyed and get me killed, or if I will be able to continue taking over the world after all of this is over between my army and Russia's army.

There was so much to do to prepare for a war. I had to make sure that all my soldiers knew what our army's strategies are, I had to make sure my army was properly trained to fight in a war. I had to make sure we had enough weapons and enough defense mechanisms, and I had to make sure that Thomas wasn't going to betray us when we may end up having to solely rely on him to help us win the war. To say the least, this was going to be extremely stressful. Sure, I've fought in a war before, but that didn't make this any less stressful of a situation. I quickly walked to Tom's room and unlocked and opened the door, only to see Tom was sound asleep on the damn floor. I growled. "Thomas! Get your ass up now! You need to start immediate training to ensure you're prepared to fight in a war that will take place in an unknown amount of time!" I was trying my best to not sound panicked.

-Tom's POV-

I grunted a bit, not wanting to get up. I had been comfortably sleeping on the floor but no. The fucking asshole decided to wake me up. I didn't hear the part about there being an upcoming war. All I heard was that I had to do immediate training. I groaned a bit and laid on my side, facing away from Tord. "No. I don't want to do any fucking training today. Let me fucking sleep. It's probably the middle of the night and I'm tired from all those damn procedures you did on me. I suggest you let me sleep if you don't want to get ripped to fucking pieces by my claws." I huffed a bit, being tired as hell. I tried to go back to sleep but felt Tord pull me up onto my feet.

-Tord's POV-

I growled in frustration. "I'm not taking fucking no for an answer. As I fucking said a few moments ago, you need to be trained to fight in a war as your new monster form. We don't have fucking time to screw around, Thomas. So fucking listen to me and go do training right now." I was extremely stressed out about this now and I knew Tom was being a lazy jerk now, but I can't afford to let Tom be lazy. Especially not now of all times. I quickly brought Tom out of the room and I brought him to the training room, and I ended up having to force him to begin training.

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