Chapter Three: Annoyance Can Lead to Issues

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Tom's POV:

I growled a little when Edd took my flask. "Hey! Give me back my fucking flask!" I got up and tried to take back my flask from Edd but couldn't because he kept holding it out of my reach. This was pissing me off. I just wanted to drink my Smirnoff but I can't because Edd took my fucking flask. Why can't Edd just leave me alone?...

Edd's POV:

I kept the flask out of Tom's reach. It's bad enough that soldier made me get in a bad mood and I've been sick and tired of Tom being lazy and doing nothing but drinking his beer. I honestly think Tom should get a job instead of being so lazy and drunk all the time. I don't know how we even still have the house considering none of us work and none of us pay any bills for the house, water, and electricity. "You need to stop being so damn lazy Tom. You do nothing but drink your Smirnoff and be lazy. You're twenty eight and haven't even had your first job yet. You need to do more with your life Tom."

Tom's POV:

I growled louder than I had been growling. Who does Edd think he is, telling me to get a fucking job. He can't tell me how to live my life. "Fuck you Edd! You can't tell me how to live my life! You can't make me get a fucking job!" I really didn't want to get a job. I haven't had to get a job before so why should I get one now? I glared at Edd as I managed to grab my flask out of Edd's hand then I went to go up to my room but felt as Edd grabbed the hood of my hoodie. "Let my hood fucking go Edd! Just leave me alone!" I really was in a bad mood now. Edd has been always making me be in a bad mood lately.

Edd's POV:

I kept a fairly strong grip on the hood of Tom's hoodie. I have had enough of his laziness. "You do nothing other than being drunk most of the day, every fucking day! Not once have I ever seen you do any chores around the house! I do all the chores and you never have offered to help me with any chores! And if that isn't bad enough, you're always so fucking rude to everyone! I have had enough of you being like this Tom! Either you get a fucking job and help out with the chores, or you go find somewhere else to live! I can't stand dealing with you anymore! You have gotten on my nerve too many times!" I shoved Tom, causing him to stumble and faceplant onto the couch.

Tom's POV:

When I faceplanted onto the couch, I was really fucking pissed off at Edd now. I got up and without thinking, I slapped Edd hard across the face. When I saw him hold a hand over his cheek from pain, I realized that I had slapped him. "Shit..." I mumbled to myself and I went to quickly go to my room before Edd could do anything but once again, I got stopped by Edd. I could tell I had really fucking pissed him off now. Especially since Edd NEVER swears unless he's absolutely really pissed off.

Edd's POV:

I can't stand Tom anymore. I just can't. I've tried at first being the nice guy to everyone, including Tom but now... I don't think I can be nice to Tom anymore. He's gotten on my nerves way too many times and him slapping me is just crossing the fucking line. I growled lowly as I dragged him to the front door and I opened the door. I shoved him out of the house. "GO FIND SOMEWHERE ELSE TO FUCKING LIVE AND NEVER FUCKING COME BACK!" I slammed the door full force then stormed up to my room, stomping as I went to my room and I slammed my bedroom door.

Tom's POV:

I can't believe Edd just kicked me out... I saw Edd had his bedroom window open so I yelled up to him since I figured he went to his room. "WHAT ABOUT MY STUFF?!" If I was going to move out, I at least wanted my stuff.
I heard edd slam his bedroom door as if he left his room for a minute. A minute or two later, I saw Edd go up to his window with my guitar. I realized what Edd was going to do.

Edd's POV:

I threw Tom's guitar 'Susan' out the window and watched as it really upset him when he saw his guitar get thrown out the window. I then slammed my window shut, wanting to be left alone. I saw my window shattered when I slammed it shut. "Fucking great... Now the damn window is broken..." I went and laid down on my bed, trying to calm down.

Tom's POV:

I watched as my Bass 'Susan' hit the ground, breaking into countless pieces. I felt my eyes tear up a little since 'Susan' was my most prized possession. I noticed Edd had literally broken his window from slamming it shut so I yelled one last thing at him. "SCREW YOU EDD! YOU BROKE MY FUCKING BASS!" I started picking the pieces of 'Susan' up off the lawn. I was really upset since I knew 'Susan' was beyond repair so I had to throw away the pieces of what remained of my Bass.

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