Chapter Ten: The Device

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-Tord's POV-

After only a matter of days of waiting, I finally got word that the device had been successfully built. I grinned as I now could do the next step of this plan which was to wirelessly sync the device to Tom's brain. I forced myself to stop grinning and forced myself to instead have a serious expression on my face as I left my office and went to where Tom currently was. I tried my best not to grin as I looked at Tom. "Thomas. Come with me. Now." I said with a firm tone in my voice.

-Tom's POV-

I groaned a bit in annoyance as I heard my 'boss' tell me to go with him. I knew I was in a lot of trouble as I was for yelling at him a few days earlier, but I couldn't possibly be in more trouble than I already am in... right? I huffed as I reluctantly followed my boss to a room that appeared to be some sort of operating room for medical purposes. I glared at Tord as I had a cold heartless tone to my voice. "Why the hell did you even bring me to this room? I ain't sick or any shit like that." I could tell that statement annoyed Tord.

-Tord's POV-

"First of all, I know you're not sick, Thomas. Secondly, this is a procedure that you're required to have. You have no option of saying no to this either." I spoke in a stern tone of voice as I looked at Tom. I wasn't going to handle any excuses from him today at all.

-Tom's POV-

I growled a bit due to the fact I was upset about not having a choice for this 'procedure' or whatever the hell this really is. I tried to back up, not wanting to deal with this right now but I felt as Tord firmly grasped my wrist to the point it was starting to get a bit painful. My mind at the moment, was filled with many thoughts. What was this procedure actually for? I had no idea. Was this really a necessary procedure? The fuck if I know. Do I want this procedure? No, no I do not want this procedure at all. I couldn't even get away from Tord as I felt Tord more or less dragging me into the operation room. In all honesty, I was nervous about this and this 'required procedure' was giving me a lot of bad feelings about it right now.

-Tord's POV-

I didn't want to waste any time with Tom's refusal to cooperate. I forced Tom into the room and brought him over to a steel medical surgical table and I forced him to lay down on the table. I securely strapped him to the table, making sure he couldn't move at all. I then went and prepared some sedatives to inject into him since I didn't want him to be awake for this procedure. Once the injections were prepared, I went over to Tom and I could tell he was nervous. "Just relax, Thomas. You'll be unconscious soon enough." I then injected the sedatives into Tom.

-Tom's POV-

I winced at the feeling of Tord giving me the injection of sedatives. I didn't want this to happen. I didn't trust Tord before this procedure and now I really don't trust him. I was extremely nervous about what he might possibly do to me after I pass out. Would he kill me? Would he hurt me beyond belief? I had no idea. And the fact that I was so uncertain about all the possibilities of the stuff he may do to me; I was even more nervous. I felt as the sedatives were starting to take effect, but I tried my best to stay awake. I had to stay strong and stay awake. I just had to. But after a few minutes of trying to stay awake, I no longer could do so, and I slipped into a state of unconsciousness. The last thing I saw before slipping into a state of unconsciousness, however, was the sight of Tord's grin. I knew that couldn't possibly be a good thing that he was grinning now.

-Tord's POV-

I grinned when I saw Thomas finally slip into a state of unconsciousness. I prepped his body for the procedure, and I made sure I had all the necessary tools ready and available. And once everything was ready, I began the procedure. I knew that if I only just wirelessly synced the mask device to Tom's brain, that alone would not be enough. He would be easily able to just take it off. So, I had a plan of how to avoid that from happening. I was going to make it so he could see through the mask. However, I was also going to ensure that unless he had the mask on, he wouldn't be able to see. So, if he ever were to take the mask off, he'd be blind until he put the mask on. I then focused on the long procedure that took around six or seven hours. And when it was finally done, I grinned again as I waited for him to wake up.

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