Chapter Four: The Choice

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Tom's POV:

I grumbled as I walked away from the house. The streets had no one on them in sight until I spotted some soldiers doing patrol. I didn't think much of it at the moment since I was too upset to really honestly care. I mumbled to myself as I walked down the street. "Stupid Edd. I don't need him. I'll show him I can do just fine without him. I won't even miss him." I knew that whether I liked it or not, I really didn't have a choice other than to get a job. How else was he supposed to afford to buy a place to live at? He felt as it started to rain so he pulled the hood of his hoodie up.

I sighed as I walked around and soon found an alleyway and decided to go into the alleyway and sit down. The ground was wet but I didn't care. I noticed a flyer on the brick alleyway wall. "Huh?" I got up and looked at the flyer. The flyer said "Join the Red Army". Okay, first of all, that was really a coincidence that I saw that flyer since I need a job now and second of all... I thought Tord died when I shot his giant robot down with my harpoon gun... I groaned a little from the annoyance of having to make a choice about what to do for a job. "I doubt Tord would even ever hire me... Besides, he hates me more than anything else..."
I saw soldiers walk past the alleyway and saw that one of them spotted me. Maybe they could bring me to Tord...

Eric's POV:

I noticed a civilian standing in the alleyway. I went over to him to see why he wasn't at his home. "Why aren't you at your home where it's safer?" As far as I've seen, this was the only civilian outside right now so I really wondered why he was out here in the alleyway.

Tom's POV:

"I'm not at home because my friend kicked me out... And I want you to bring me to Tord." I noticed the suspicious look the soldier got on his face when I said I wanted him to bring me to Tord. I don't think he thought I was serious.

Eric's POV:

Is this guy for real?... Why would he want to see our boss?... "Why do you want to see the Red Leader?..." Since he kept insisting to talk to my boss, I had to call my boss first, letting him know that a civilian wanted to talk to him. After I called my boss, I brought the civilian to the red army base and brought the civilian to outside my boss's office. I looked at the civilian. "The red leader is in his office now but you can go into his office."

Tom's POV:

I nodded and opened the office door and closed it behind me. I saw Tord had the back of his chair facing me so I knew Tord didn't know who had just walked into his office but I knew he was expecting a possibly new recruit to the red army. I stayed silent, unsure of what to say at the moment. I took a seat on a chair in front of his desk and the chair was across from his chair.

Tord's POV:

I had heard as my office door opened. I kept my back facing the person who just walked in. I grinned a little but I didn't know it was Tom that had just walked into my office. "So I've heard from one of my soldiers that you wanted to talk to me... What exactly did you want to talk about?..." As I said that, I turned around and froze for a moment when I saw it was Tom, my enemy, that was in my office. I growled lowly at him. "Why the hell are you here? Get out of my office."

Tom's POV:

I don't know why but... I was kind of nervous to admit it... But it was now or never. I couldn't back out of this now. I took a deep breath and got the courage to say to Tord why I came here.

"I want to join the Red Army."

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