Chapter Eighteen: War

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-Tord's POV-

I knew now that the time has come. It was time for the war between my army and Russia's army. This was the war that would determine it all. I of course, would not be fighting in this war. I would be instructing the soldiers what to do. I quickly went to Tom, whom was...sleeping again?! "THOMAS! STOP FUCKING SLEEPING AND GET YOUR ASS UP! THIS ISN'T THE DAMN TIME TO SLEEP! NOW GO AND FUCKING FIGHT IN THE WAR THAT JUST STARTED!" I shouted that at Tom, knowing he had to get up now. But the damn lazy bastard still was fucking refusing to get up. This was really starting to push me past my anger limits.

"HEY!! ARE YOU EVEN FUCKING LISTENING TO ME, THOMAS?!? GET YOUR FUCKING LAZY ASS UP AND GO FIGHT IN THE WAR! I MADE YOU THE WAY YOU ARE FOR THIS FUCKING REASON! NOW GO SERVE YOUR PURPOSE AND GO FUCKING FIGHT IN THIS DAMN WAR! AND IF YOU STILL REFUSE TO FUCKING COOPERATE, I WILL FUCKING FORCE YOU TO COOPERATE!" I had no control of my temper at this point and since Tom was still refusing to get up, I took out my gun, knowing this would get him up. I had the gun aimed at Tom's tail, knowing his tail was sensitive to pain and it would be enough to enrage him if he got hurt on his tail. So, I shot his tail. To say the least, that definitely made him get up. I then took off his mask since I didn't want it to break and I knew that he'd be able to see without it in full monster form.

-Tom's POV-

I hadn't wanted to get up. I would have rather preferred to stay asleep. I grunted at Tord when Tord was yelling at me but when I felt Tord shoot my tail, I yelped in pain, but my tail healed itself. I growled lowly at Tord and shifted to my full monster form. I was extremely pissed off at the fact that Tord had the nerve to shoot my tail. When I saw him run, I chased after him, not knowing he was leading me to where the war was taking place outside. Outside, it was very loud to say the least. There were the sounds of many gunshots being shot, the sounds of some explosions from some hand grenades, as well as other loud noises that usually accompanied wars. I growled at the sound of all the loud noises, the gaze of my one large 'eye' looking from side to side, not knowing where to start to get the damn noise to stop. I knew very well which soldiers were from Tord's army and which ones were from the enemy army. This made it easier for me to tell who to attack and who to not attack.

I growled at some enemy soldiers and to me, this was easy for me to fight due to my size advantage compared to everyone else. I felt as an enemy shoulder shot me in the back of the head. My wound healed itself and I slowly turned around, extremely pissed off as I growled at the enemy soldier whom was quite literally, trembling badly. I slashed my clawed hand at the soldier, easily slicing him into multiple pieces and killing him immediately. I then turned back to face a group of enemy soldiers and I growled at them, only to see them immediately back off after what they had just witnessed happen to a soldier because of me. I slashed at the small group of enemy soldiers, killing them instantly. This was actually starting to become kind of fun. It was amusing to watch the horror in the eyes of the enemy soldiers as I would slash them into pieces. It was a very bloody method of killing them, but it was still amusing to witness.

-Tord's POV-

I watched as Thomas was out, slashing many enemy soldiers into pieces with his claws. This greatly worked in favor of my army. Yet, I had no idea what plans that Russia's army had, nor did I know their strategies. All I did was merely watch as this war happened. Anytime I saw any of my soldiers look unsure of what to do, I commanded them about what to do next. It wasn't extremely difficult to give commands since I already had planned out the commands that I would give. And since I had a monster fighting in my army, this greatly increased my odds of winning. This all went on for hours on end. It was like the same thing over and again. Some of my soldiers get hurt then Tom defends them and then Tom kills the enemy soldiers that hurt them. It was an extremely bloody battle though. Yet, I can't say that I could complain about it being so damn bloody. But after what felt like another ten or so hours had passed, there was now only silence. Smoke covered the battle grounds, so it was impossible to see anything. I couldn't see who had survived nor could I see who died. And by the looks of it, the smoke wouldn't be clearing up anytime soon at all. I could hear a faint 'ringing' sound in my ears, but aside from that, I heard nothing. Why had it suddenly gone silent. Why wasn't the smoke clearing yet? What was going on?...

I coughed a bit from the smoke, and I pulled part of my jacket over my mouth and nose to try to stop myself from inhaling some of the smoke. I go into the battle grounds' smoke-filled area, trying to see if I could see anyone or anything. I couldn't see anything nor could I hear anything either. I was starting to get a bad feeling about this eerie sudden silence. Had I gone deaf? If I had gone deaf, I wouldn't be able to hear if any enemy soldiers tried to shoot me. Though, I honestly doubt they'd even be able to see me through this thick dense smoke. But this didn't stop me from still trying to find at least some of my soldiers. And when I did find them, none of them had died, surprisingly but...
I felt my heart ache when I saw him...

I saw Tom was on the ground. I knew he wasn't dead, but I could hear soft whimpers of pain coming from him. I go up to him and I actually attempt to comfort him. He was in his half monster form now and I knew he was badly injured, but he'd heal soon enough. But as for the war...
The war was now over...
My army had won...
Though, that didn't stop me from being concerned about Tom. I helped Tom up and I helped walk him back into my army base, bringing him to the medical ward of the base and having him get bandages over his deep wounds. I stayed by his side the entire time he was in the medical ward.

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