Chapter Two: Patrol

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Edd's POV:

Today seemed like a boring day. Nothing was happening like usual. It had been really quiet ever since Tord has been gone for a few years. This town was boring in general sometimes and to be honest, sometimes I wish something would happen here... Something major... I sighed as I took the last sip of my cola then put the empty can on the floor next to the couch. I relaxed on the couch for a while since there wasn't much else to do. I had almost fallen asleep when I swore I heard what sounded like people marching down the street. How odd. I knew there weren't any parades that were supposed to happen today so if that noise wasn't from a parade, then what was it from?...

I got up off the couch and went over to the window, looking out it. At first, I was confused when I saw soldiers patrolling the streets. Who's soldiers were those? Why were they patrolling the streets? I started to get a bad feeling about the fact that there were soldiers patrolling the streets now. I was half tempted to go outside to see why the soldiers were patrolling. I went over to the front door, opening it then I went out and closed the door behind me. Should I go ask a soldier why they were doing patrols? Would I get in trouble for asking a soldier that? I had so many questions. All of which I had no idea what the answer was for them.

Ryan's POV:

I was one of the soldier's who got chosen to go on patrol. I honestly wasn't too familiar with this town since I've actually only been here once before. I was keeping an eye out for any civilians who may be outside as I patrolled with the other nineteen soldiers that were in the patrol group I was in. So far we haven't seen any civilians outside. Maybe they were hiding? I don't know. All I know is that I had a job to do and that was to keep patrolling. I started thinking that we actually wouldn't find any civilians outside then I saw a civilian with a green hoodie approach me while the rest of the patrol group I was in left me behind. This person better have a good excuse as to why he was approaching me and making me get held back from the patrol group. I looked at him, waiting for him to say something and as I was about to say something, he spoke.

"Why are there soldiers patrolling the streets?" Is all the green hooded civilian asked me. I was kind of annoyed that he stopped me just to ask me that. All I said in response was "Go back in your house, civilian. It's not safe for you to be out here right now. Don't make me have to repeat myself so I suggest you listen and go home."
I started to go try to catch up with the patrol group.

Edd's POV:

That didn't answer my question. If they were patrolling because it was supposedly unsafe, then what was making it so unsafe that soldiers had to patrol the streets? I stopped the soldier from walking away and I looked at him, asking another question. "What is it that's so unsafe that it's to the point soldiers need to do patrol?" I was mad when the soldier simply ignored me and continued to walk. "Hey! I'm talking to you! You don't just walk away from someone who's talking!" I caught up to him and grabbed his shoulder to get him to stop walking. I wasn't going to go home until I got answers.

Ryan's POV:

This civilian was really starting to get on my nerves now. I had a job to do and this civilian was keeping me from doing my job. "I don't have time to answer your questions. Now go home and stay out of our way." I was trying my best not to lose my temper but it was hard because of how annoying this civilian was being. I could see that the civilian was clearly upset that I wasn't answering his questions but I didn't care. I just wanted to get back to doing my job but I can't until the civilian leaves me alone. I got the civilian to let go of my shoulder then I jogged to catch up to the patrol group.

Edd's POV:

I was frustrated now that the soldier hadn't answered all of my questions. I sighed as I went home and when I went back in the house, I saw Tom was laying on the couch now so I had no place to sit down on the couch to relax. I went over to Tom. "Tom, either go lay down somewhere else or at least sit up so I can sit down on the couch too." I didn't have much patience now since I was in a bad mood now. I just wanted to relax to calm down. It frustrated me more when I heard Tom say "Nah, I'm good." When I saw Tom take a sip of his Smirnoff that he had in his flask, I took the flask from him and held it out of his reach. I have had enough with getting annoyed today.

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