Chapter Eleven: What Was Removed is Now Something Completely New

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-Tom's POV-

I groaned softly as I began to wake up. I felt as if there were now a weight on my face, more specifically, over the place where me 'eyes' are located. I sat up when I felt that I was no longer strapped to the table, but I saw I was now, in my room here at the base and I was in my bed. I winced in pain as my head hurt but I slowly opened my 'eyes', looking around the room. Everything looked clearer now. Was I wearing glasses or something along those lines? I got out of bed, still being tired from the sedatives and I made my way over to the mirror I had in my room. When I looked in the mirror, I froze when I saw I had what looked like a mask on over my 'eyes'. My hand trembled as I moved my hand to my face, carefully feeling the mask with my hand. All I could think of was that this was all that damn bitch's fault.

I took the mask off, growling in anger. But as soon as that mask came off my face, my vision went dark. This made me panic, so, without thinking, I put the mask back on. And as soon as the mask was back on, it relieved me to see my vision had returned once again. Now I knew for a fact that the 'procedure' that Tord had performed on me wasn't any required procedure like Tord had claimed it was. I stormed out of my room, going straight to Tord's office. I had some 'things' I wanted to say to that bitch, and I wasn't going to leave until he gave me the answers that I wanted from him.

As I stormed down the hall, I shoved anyone that got in my way away from me. I could see out of the corners of my 'eyes' that the soldiers in the hallway had a look of confusion on their faces as I stormed down to Tord's office. When I reached Tord's office, I didn't even knock. I just slammed the door open and went up to Tord with a look of pure hatred visible in the digital eyes on my new mask. "Listen, you fucker! I don't know why the hell you think a procedure like that on me was fucking necessary! I never even fucking wanted the damn procedure and I didn't even need it! My eyesight was perfectly fine without this mask until you fucking ruined my eyesight! I will never fucking forgive you for this, you bitch! I. HATE. YOU." After having said that, I stormed out of the room once again after seeing the look of shock on Tord's face that I had just said those things to him. The damn bitch deserved all of that anyways. For all I care, that bitch can go die in a fucking hole.

-Tord's POV-

Sure, I figured Tom was going to be upset from the procedure but I knew I couldn't let Tom's emotions stop me from doing the procedure. I can't let it bother me that Tom hates me even more now. Now what was next was to initiate phase two of my plan. Let the REAL action start now.

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