Pit Stop

16 1 0

Sam and Dean were riding for hours in the Impala, like usual. The boys pulled into the town of Truth and Consequences, New Mexico. While searching for a local diner they spotted three police cars and two ambulances parked on the yard and drive way of a suberban yellow house.
"What the hell?" Sam said peeking lower out his window.
The boys grabbed their badges and stepped out of the car fully taking in the scene in front of them.
Neighbors gathered around the house waiting. Two married men weeping with each other. A girl sitting on the front steps all alone. And lastly a stretcher with a black wrap over it being dragged out of the house.
"What happened?" A low voice asked subtly making the Winchesters jump.
"Cass, you son of a bitch, don't do that!" Dean gruffed.
Dean handed Cass his fake FBI badge as they walked on scene.
"Hi, we are with the FBI," Dean said as the three pulled out their badges, "what exactly happened here?"
"The officer studied the badges every detail, "Well, 16 year old male, Tyler Miles, was mutalated in his home. The only witness is his 14 year old, younger sister, Ryan. She was tied to a chair and gagged as she watched the crime go down."
Sam's eyes flashed with a curiosity, "How was the station reached if the only people who knew what was going on were tied up?"
"I honestly don't know, Ryan, the girl called, but when we asked her, well she doesn't remember a thing about the call."
Dean smolder-smiled, "Thank you."
Cass disappeared and Sam and Dean walked over to Mr. and Mr. Miles.
"Hello gentlemen," Sam greeted the couple with a soft smile, "we are with the FBI and wanted to ask you some questions."
They pulled out their badges once more to show the couple.
The lean scruffy man sighed, " Hello, my name is Phillip and this is Aaron," gesturing to the shorter, shaven man, "Ty was a good kid. He always looked out for his sister."
"Would there be anyone who would have held a grudge against your children?"Dean kept a poker face even with his doubts of this being a case for them.
"No, but Ty did seem a bit jumpy a few days ago. He said he was worried about Ryan, our daughter. He said that he, well this is going to sound weird, but he said that he heard a voice in the static. Ty had a mild form of schizophrenia."
"Thank you for your time," Sam nodded as they walked away.
"I don't know Sam, this just seems like a murder."
"Dean, the girl has no memory of the 911 call, and voice in the static, what does that sound like to you? Angels, Dean. I think the boy could hear angels."
"Speaking of angels, where did Cass go?"
Sam glared at Dean. Dean laughed,"He's right behind me, isn't he?"
"Hello Dean."Cass peered over Dean's shoulder, "I checked out the scene while you were talking, the only phone in the house was upstairs. The kids were not upstairs, and the girl does not have a cell phone."
"Okay," Sam began to talk with his hands again, "how about we call it a day and tomorrow, we will stop by and ask the girl a few questions. She should at least have a day to grieve if anything."
"Sounds good, what do you think Cass?" Dean turned to find no one there.
The Winchester found a motel and grabbed a couple of beers.

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