Holy Blue

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"Hey Cass," Sam broke the silence with ease.
"Yes, Sam," Cass uttered blankly while still watching the girl intently as he had been doing the entire trip.
"We have been driving for hours now, and we are almost at Bobby's"
"I am aware, Sam."
"Well, why hasn't she woken up?"
"Because, I made sure she wouldn't. Are you done now?"
The car became quiet again, no noise but the faint classic rock in the backround. They pulled into Bobby's place.
"Ok, Sam, you grab the girl and Cass and I will uh, explain this to Bobby." Dean's voice scratched heavily in his throat.
"No," Cass' eyes dialated in idea, "you and Sam go and explain this to Bobby, then call me and I will transport us to you."
"Sounds good. Come on Sam, let's go get yelled at by Bobby."
Leaving sleeping Ryan and Castiel in the Impala, the Winchesters knocked on Bobby's door.
"What are you two boys doing here?" Bobby's eyes creased slighty as his red baseball cap stuck on his head as always.
"Uh," Dean hesitated, "well we found someone..."
"For the love of God spit it out boy!" Bobby raised his tired voice slighty.
"We found an antichrist." Sam finished for Dean.
"Jesse Tucker?"
"No, Ryan Miles."
The Winchesters began explaining everything that happened starting with the death of Tyler Miles.
Meanwhile back at the Impala, Cass was walking through his plan once more. His chatoyant expression took up most of his face. He needed Ryan to find Jesse. He had to make sure hell never got a hold of them. The demon knife would work on Jesse, but he had no idea how to kill Ryan. His own words invaded his mind. "'We can't kill her not yet.' She has to find Jesse."
Cass' phone rang from Dean's call "love me like you do l-l-l-love me like you do"
"Hello Dean"
"Yeah Cass, meet us in Bobby's safe room, where we kept Sam for his demon-blood detox."
Cass appeared infront of Dean, with the girl still unconscious on the worn out mattress.
"How old is she?" Bobby studied the girl carefully.
"The officer said she was 14."
"We need her to be able to control her abilities. I should train her," Cass' scowl silenced the room.
As the two boys, old drunk, and the angel discussed what to do with the girl, Ryan woke up. She stayed silent grabbing a iron rod that leaned up against the salt coated iron wall of the demonic panic room. She swung the rod fast at Dean's head from behind as be fell to the floor unconscious Bobby cocked his shotgun, and Sam grabbed her from behind. Her stuggle was shown deep in the wrinkles on her forehead and the rasp in her desperate scream. Her eyes dashed back and forth in fear and her arms attempted to jerk away from Sam's hold. Cass stepping cautiously towards her. The white of her eyes became black and her irises shone bright holy blue. From her irises spiraled the holy blue into the shadow of black surrounding her them. Her pupils dialated as the changed from black to pure heavenly white. The magnificent  glow from her pupils was radiantly luminous,  temporarily blinding everyone in the room apart from Cass. The sudden light had Sam, Dean, and Bobby on the floor covering their eyes. She stole Sam's knife to cut her wrists. She drew a sigil on the wall with her blood sending Cass away. Her eyes became like that of a human and everyone was back on their feet except for Cass who was booted back to heaven.
"I'm sorry, but please don't hurt me." Ryan put her arms stretched forward as a means of protection, "I just wanna go home."
Cass was back and angry by the deep scowl on his face.
"STOP!" Ryan screeched as blood still dripped from her hands.
"Train her ,Cass," Dean warned, "so this won't happen again."
Bobby and the Winchesters left the room as Cass began to teach Ryan how to fly or as the humans see it, transport. He carefully examed her wings, which were only visible to angels and demons, they were small and very fragile, but beautiful in an alarming sort of way. It took a few hours, because of the weak wings, but Ryan learned how to fly. Even though she was unaware on Castiel's true intentions, she still thought suspicious of him.

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