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It had been exactly 18 hours since Ryan began her training, and Dean was getting anxious. Sam in the other hand was keeping himself busy with looking for another hunt.
"Hey Dean," Sam gazed up for a brief moment to get his brother's attention, "I think I found our next job."
The panic room door swung open with Ryan's palm stretched towards it.  She vanished and reappeared by in the kitchen. Sam, Dean, and Bobby ran upstairs to the kitchen to find Cass already there and Ryan by the stove, uncooked meat in a bowl on the washed out counter next to her. She snapped her fingers on her left hand as a cast iron fying pan appeared above the right burner. She stuck her small left hand under the pan right above the burner, and snapped. Nothing happened as she continued to snap.
"Uh Ryan," Dean's cautious confused vioce rumbled slightly from a hidden voice crack, "what are you doing?"
"At the moment failing." She said as Dean's lighter somehow made it's way to her hand. She lit the gas stove and began cooking the ground beef.
"Hey! Where did you get that?" Dean was disgruntled at the fact of Ryan having his favorite lighter.
"Oh this. No abilities, just plain simple pick-pocketing."
Sam's bellowing laugh filled the room, "What are you cooking, Ryan?"
"Well if you guys don't keep distracting me, tacos." Ryan's giggle pushed through the big smile on her face. The smile came to a quick end as Ryan grunted in surprise pain. She pulled her hand away to discover it was on fire. She ran to the sink and poured water all over her hand to put out the fire. Cautiously she pulled her hand out of the water once the fire was all out. Everyone gasped at the sight of the black burned flesh on her palm, and the back of her hand. Her face contorted from the pain, as Sam grabbed a clean white towel and poured his whiskey all over his hands. He was just about to peel the dead flesh when Cass interupted, "wait, she can heal herself. Ryan put you good hand over top of your injured one and mentally clean and rejuvenate your skin."
Ryan did as she was told. The burned flesh started to become new, but was still in need of medical attention. She winced from the pain, and frustration, "Cass, I'm trying, I can't do it."
"Yes, you can. You are part angel. Angels can heal people and so can you."
She tried once more. She was unable to fully heal her hand, but all she had left was a minor second degree burn. Cass had to heal the rest. Ryan went back to cooking the ground beef. A half hour later Ryan had set up the taco station for them to put together their own tacos. "Cass, aren't you hungry?" Ryan thought Cass didn't like her tacos and was disappointed with herself.
"No Ryan, I do not get hungry. I am a celestial being. Do you get hungry?"
"Yeah, but I don't really eat much. I only really ate so my dads wouldn't think I'm starving myself."
Dean gasped in his stale surprise, "I don't know what I would do if I couldn't actually enjoy a burger or pie cus I wasn't hungry."
Ryan's eyebrows smushed together as the little muscles surounding her nose pinched slightly from the disgust written on her face, " ¿ Qué te hace pensar que no puedo disfrutar de una hamburguesa, zorra cachonda y medio adolorida?"(What makes you think I can't enjoy a burger you sluty half-assing bitch?).
Sam spit out his beer and started choking from laughter; Cass was unaware the girl knew how to use so much language he didn't know what to do.
"God, I wished I learned spanish in highschool, "Dean sighed.
Sam still laughing asked Ryan, "You know Spanish?"
"I mean I guess. If I consentrate hard enough, I know any language."
Dean's hunter mind formed an idea, "What about Enochian. You know Enochian?"
" Ti vaoan."(This is true.) She winked, "That one I didn't just think about; Ty taught me. He heard the angels all the time, at least that is what he used to say."
It had only been one week ago when her brother Ty was murdered, but since that day, she had not forgiven herself. Ryan's thoughts consumed her, I should have tried harder to save him.

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