Ye of Little Faith

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"Just to make sure," Cass looked back at Ryan and put his middle and forefinger on her chest in between her collar bones. She woke up from the intense pain of Cass mentally carving Enochian into her ribs. She tried to scream only to find herself gagged by Dean's pillowcase. Once Cass was finished, Dean pulled the pillowcase out of her mouth.
"There, now nor angels or demons can find her." Cass whispered.
"Why did you come back?" Ryan looked intently at Sam and Dean. Then she looked at Cass who was sitting at the foot of her bed, "and who are you?"
"We came back to protect you, if you don't come with us your family will be in danger." Dean explained.
"Are you threatening my family?"
"No, Cass said, "we're warning you. Whoever came for you before is a hunter of supernatural beings, like yourself, you're an antichrist-" Sam covered Cass' mouth before he could say anything else.
"Wait-" Ryan's eyes widened, "oh please tell me he's clinically insane."
"Why would I be insane? You are a half demon-half angel antichrist."
"Way to suger-coat it Cass." Dean frowned.
"Yeah Cass, do you not know what lying is?" Sam ask sarcastically.
"Oh was I supposed to lie? Oh uh, yes I am what you would call clinically insane and um-"
"Too late Cass." Dean nerviously smiled.
"Can someone tell me what is going on?" Ryan yelled as her face scrunched, her eyes becoming dry then watering as a physical protection motavated by the hidden fear of the three men in her house.
Sam stared at her for a moment, "ok um, let's start with, monsters exist. Vampires, werewolves, ghosts, demons, pagan gods, and everything else in between. Lucifer, you know him as Satan, he set up three antichrists to help him in the apocalypse war. One dead, one missing, then there's you. You are the most powerful out of the three of them, half angel-half demon."
"And why should I believe that? You just repeating children's bedtime stories. You know Wendigos, djinns, ghouls, and changlings. They're just bedtime stories. None of it is real, especially angels."
The Winchesters and Cass looked at each other eyes open wide and lips slightly pulled apart.
Sam cleared his throat, "and who exactly told you those bedtime stories?"
"Foster parents I had for a few months. We always moved around, and they would be gone for days. They said that they were so lucky to have me, but before they could adopt me the government found out about their identity fraud, and other crimes. The child services took me away."
Dean, was baffeled why hunters like themselves would want to adopt a child, unless they knew what she was.
"You have to understand, child," Cass creased his forehead slighty and tilted his head. He look Ryan directly in the eyes to speak to her. It was the look of giving effort to understand, the look of silently pleading, "You must believe what we are telling you. I am the angel, Castiel, you are my sister as I your brother. You must have faith."
"And what if I don't? News Flash! I Don't Have Faith!" Ryan turns and opens the door to leave, only to find Cass right outside the hinges of freedom.
"Ye of little faith can do nothing, but faith of a mustard seed can move mountains." His palms began to glow pure holy white as his eyes saturated bright heavenly blue. His non visible hand drenched in light touched her forehead as she fell unconscious once more.
"What was that for?" Dean yelled at Cass.
"She wasn't going to come with us. I had no choice."
Not a second later was Dean swerving to the right from the sudden scene change of the yellow house to the Chevy Impala. Dean as the driver, Sam as shotgun, and Cass and sleeping Ryan in the backseat.
"Go to Bobby's" Cass gruffed.
"Mind giving a heads up before you almost cause a head on collision. Why didn't you just zap us there yourself?"
"You said you like taking the car, didn't you?"
Dean grew quiet after not wanting to admit anything. He turned on the radio and hit the gas hard. Next stop, Bobby's house.

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