New Life

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Ryan got comfy in an old laz-boy rocking chair. Off in the distance she could hear Dean's soft snoring. She clicked the tv on to a shitty sit-com and began her all-nighter. A slight breeze came up behind Ryan's right shoulder.
She turned around to find empty air. She heard four breathing things one being herself. Ryan focused on what Castiel had told her once. 'Seeing as a celestial being is different the seeing as a mortal'.
Her breath slowed as she closed her eyes and turned back to the tv, resting her head heavily on the back of the chair, appearing to be asleep. Ryan opened her mind letting the intercom of the angels be recieved. She began to let her angel self take over preparing for a possible battle. A familiar voice rang soft over the intercom. The true child, one of pure, one of sin, and one of the most loved, dies tonight. She will be attacked and the true war will end.
Cass had sent that message. She was the child, one with heaven, one with hell, and one with earth. She was the true war. Her eyes opened bright blue irises with a mirage of holyfire buring hot. Her pupils and the whites of her eyes shone bright white in all their holiness. She could see a demon, not just in its vessel, but its true contorted ugly form. She could see the blood dripping from the two hellhounds mouths. Their eyeless sockets staring cold back at her.
Ryan's fingers snapped and the first hellhound screamed in pain as she mentally smited it. The second one ran away. She turned to face Meg only to find her gone. Ribs snapped and a skull cracked. These bones belonged to Ryan. Meg had forced Ryan against the wall. Deep wounds carved themselves into her human flesh. Meg grabbed the holy salt water dipped angel blade and began carving art into the young girl's chest. She screamed as Meg slowly carved out on of her eyeballs. Blood gushing from the empty socket. Meg shoved the bloody eyeball in Ryan's mouth as a gag. Ryan began to choke as Meg repeatedly stabbed her in the abdomen. Castiel stood their watching, hiding in the shadows. Meg chopped off the girl's finger one by one with a dull knife. Ryan's vocal chords snapped in half from the intensity of her cries.
"THAT IS ENOUGH," Castiel appeared and sent Meg away begging for mercy.  Ryan's thoughtless body lay limp on the ground. She was still alive but would die any second. He needed her dead, but not like this. She needed to die peacefully in order for her to ever truely be at rest. He restored her body to a healthy state. No scars. All fingers. Two correctly placed eyes. He wiped her mind but in doing so he saw the memory of her visiting her fathers just hours before. She can keep this one. He laid her gently on the couch and covered her with a blanket.
His hand gently brushed her hair away from her forhead. His large palm lay there on the cleared skin. He took a deep breath as he eased her soul out of her body. The reaper came to find only the girl's soul standing over her lifeless body. Castiel was no where to be found, but yet he was still there. Making sure her soul had a reserved spot in heaven with memories of her brother for eternity. After she left with Tessa the reaper, Cass' mind ratled with the thought of Sam Dean and Bobby's reaction when they find the lifeless body on the couch in the morning. His thoughts consumed him.
Hundreds of miles away in Albuquerque, New Mexico, in a well kept graveyard. A hand shot through the ground like a weed. Next a second hand. And finally the body of a 16 year old boy, named Tyler Miles.

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