Ryan, Ryan Miles

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The boys woke up to Cass standing in between their beds.
"Ah!" Dean grunted, "Damn it, Cass!"
What's going on?" Sam rubbed his bedhead.
"Did you not say today we would question the girl?" Cass tilted his head.
"Yeah," Dean stood up, "just give us an hour to get ready then-" Cass was gone.
"Sam, Dean, are you ready?"
"Yeah Cass," Dean blankly stated.
Before they could protest, Cass pressed his middle and forefingers on the Winchesters foreheads immediately taking them to the Miles house.
"Why can't we ever just take the Impala, that's why we have her." Dean complained just to relize Cass was gone again.
Sam and Dean rung the doorbell. The short, brown haired, baby blue irised girl with sprikles of chocolate across her petite nose answered the door.
"Who are you?" Her eyebrows moved inwards creating tiny wrinkles in between them.
"Hi, we are with the FBI, we would like to ask you some questions about your brother's death." Sam got on one knee to see her eye to eye.
"Show me your badges." She blinked hard at the reminder of her brother.
They handed her the badges as she inspected them carefully. Handing the badges back she let them in the house.
She looked out the window. "Nice car. Since when does the FBI let you drive a '67 Impala.
Dean thought quickly, " Our boss is pretty cool, but it has the tinted window, so it's good to go. How did you know what car it was?"
"I worked on one with my dad about a year ago. Some chick wanted it fixed up, she was obsessed with some book series, supernatural."
"Oh um are your dads here?" Sam intervened.
"No, just me."
"Did you recognize your attacker?" Sam questioned.
"No, but um I know he's coming back. He said he would come back. He said he had to finish the job, finish the hunt." Reliving this nightmare in her head made her terrified. She blinked trying to make the fear go away. Her eyes turned pitch black, like demons.
Sam pushed her hard against the wall lifting her off her feet. "Get out of her!"
She screamed, "Please, don't hurt me! I didn't do anything I promise." She began to cry.
"Don't try that shit on us we know who you are." Sam growled pushing her harder into the wall.
"Please," she wailed, "I don't know what your talking about. PLEASE DON'T HURT ME!" She thrusted her hands trying to push Sam off her only to find that he had flown across the room. Dean ran at her and held her against the wall making her immobile. He grabbed the demon knife sliting her shoulder. She grunted in pain, still crying. Dean fully thrusted the knife at her heart aiming to kill. Cass appeared in between them and took a knife to the chest. He pulled it out and dropped it on the ground. "We can't kill her, Dean, not yet."
He turned around to face the sobbing girl. "Please, don't hurt me."
"Quiet child." He whispered pressing his fingers on her skin protected skull sending her into unconsciousness.
"We need to talk." Cass scowled, "This girl is half demon, half angel. She is not posessing anyone that is her own body. She is one of the three antichrists. The first antichrist was killed by one of my brothers 17 years ago. Then the second antichrist is unconscious behind you and the thrid one is well is Jesse Turner who is off the grid."
"Wait Jesse is half human half demon, shoudn't Ryan be the same?" Sam was confused.
"No," Cass continued, " the first one was also half human half demon, but Ryan was supposed to lead the other antichrists to heaven since technically she can get in. She was born the same way Jesse and the other child were, but she was given the grace of a rebelled angel that worshiped lucifier when she was six months old."
"Ok, uh nice backstory, but when she wakes up, she will see the guys that tried to kill her." Dean interrupted.
Cass went over to the sleeping girl and put his hand on her head. He closed his eyes for a moment, then stood back up. "No, she won't. She will remember you two, questioning her, and she will remember Sam telling her she is in danger. She will remember you leaving and watching you drive off. She will remember locking herself in the closet and being scared out of her mind. She will remember taking a handful of sleeping pills to try and kill herself. So no, she will not remember you sum bitches trying to kill her."
"You good, Cass?" Dean asked.
"Shut up, or I'll smite you. I swear, sometimes your decisions make me regret rebelling.

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