Suberban Life

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After saving Sam's ass, Ryan returned to her new home she had found three weeks ago. A mother named Hannah, a father named Robert, and a little seven year old brother named Chris.
She shared a room with Chris, and as far as the family knew, that's how it been since he was born. Chris loved to do sports of any kind. At the moment Ryan was watching his soccer tournament with a smile. He had scored three goals in a row.
Sam and Dean burst in to the two star chipped paint motel room to find Ty on the bed asleep and Cas staring at him intensely.
"Is everything ok, Cas? Dean interupted the deafening silence.
"The prophet had a vision causing him to irrupt in violent seizures and for his body to re-enact Ryan's death; but now he seems to be fine," Cas' mouth ran like a recorded message with no emotion.
Sam took a small comanding step towards Cas, "What do you mean 're- enact?'"
"His skin began to tear in all diferent spots and his eyes became bloodied."
Ty moaned from the rattling of his newly found consciousness, "What's going on?"
"Nothing you need to worry about."
Ty did not seem to remember what happened so the boys went on like nothing happened. They watched tv and drank beer till midnight. Ty was already asleep, and Dean went out to go get food for the next few days.
"Sam, you seem in shock?"Cas studied Sam's face, half way making Sam uncomfortable.
"I'm fine, just today's hunt threw me off that's all."
"Oh, well I am going to go so you and Dean and, the prophet can get some rest."
"Alright," Sam finished his beer and Cas was gone.
Sam fell asleep, eventually, only minutes before Dean got back from the mini mart. Seeing that their was no one to talk to, he went to bed.
It was two AM and everyone was fast asleep, the crickets chirped quietly as Cas emerged from the shadows placing his middle and fore finger on Sam's forehead. Cas watched the memories of the hunt, and the appearance of Ryan. He stumbled back from the surprise, then left the brothers and their prophet.
It was 4 AM in Ryan's little bedroom. She hadn't slept in two weeks, needed to watch her brother in case anything came for them. She had painted protection sigils in invisible ink all over the house. She even prick-pinned a anti possession tattoo on her left ankle and engraved one on Chris' radius in his wrist. She sat up in her bed as she overheard a coversation of two demons. Yelling at each other, they discussed "the child".
Please don't be me. Please don't be me.
She creeped over to her window, exhausted by the lack of sleep. The healthy amount of sleep for her is 12-24 hours every week. She peered out her window for about ten minutes till her mouth was covered bt an attacker dragging her out of the bedroom. She dug her nails a half inch deep into his hand, but he continued to drag her to the living room. He through her on the ground. She turned to face her attacker, Castiel. Her eyes glowed bright blue and holy white. The shadow of her scrawny wing projected itself on the wall. A stolen angel blade fell down her sleeve.
"Why did you order Meg to murder me? I'm innocent."
"You are war itself, Ryan, do you not understand."
"You saw what she did to me. I died a slow painful death, a 14 year old girl, Castiel. tou stood there watching, practically smiling."
"No, Ryan, that's not what happened. That's just what you remembered. Let me show you what really happened, please." He placed his fingers gently on her forehead, consentrating on showing her the truth.
She saw Meg torture and leave her to die. She saw Castiel come and erase her memory and heal her wounds, sending her into a peaceful death.
Her eyes opened as Castiel took the vision away, "I'm sorry, Ryan, do you want to go back to the Winchesters?"
"Ya, but wont they be in danger if im with them?"
"There the Winchesters, they are always in danger," he sighed and looked back at Chris, "Very well done, Ryan, distorting his reality, must of been difficult to figure out on your own."
"You have no idea, problem is I dont know how to fix it."
"Ill take care of that, you fly back to the Winchesters, heres the address," he handed her a peice of paper, and she flew away.

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