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The next morning was bright and sunny, as Dean yawned and trodded out to the main room of the bunker. Ryan was reading surrounded by a four foot tall fortess surrounding her completely.
" Ryan, did you sleep?"
"No, I don't sleep to much."
" oh before I forget, we have someone for you to see."
"They aren't here. Let me get dressed and ill drive you."
Dean left the grand room as Ryan stuck her nose back in the book. Fifteen minutes later, dean came out in his usual jeans, plaid, and dark green jacket.
"Took you long enough, princess."
"For your information, Ryan, I also took a shower and shaved, ok, sont judge. And as a matter of fact, I am a princess.
Ryan's child like  contagious giggle filled the empty room, making Dean smile. He had never heared her laugh. 
They walked outside together and got into the impala. The drive was three hours. Ryan stared out the window the entire time watchinging intently as the soft rock played in the background. She recongnized this road as if she had been on it a million times, but she never has. She had seen  this road in her dreams for a few weeks now wondering what it ment.
They arrived at a run down motel with flickering lights. The wallpaper was flaking of the concrete underneath. The knocked on the door to room 6. Three time then two then five. The door swung open to reveal a scared blonde boy with violet eyes squirting them with holy water.  Ryan's face turned a dark tan then gradually became ghostly pale again.
They steped into the motel room covered in protection sigils. Ty's violet eyes filled with tears and he sniffed quietly while hugging his little sister.
"You ok Ryan?" Ty's arms wrapped around her small shaking body.
Dean smiled to see her so happy. Even through her tears he could see her joy.
"It time to, Ryan"
Dean and Ryan made their way back to the Impala.
"Do you know any boys probably a little younger than you named Ben or maybe a grown woman named Lisa?"
"Well before i was adopted or even went through the system for that matter, I lived with my mom and my two brothers."
"You had two brothers?"
"Yeah Tyler, and a younger brother named Ben. Our mom's name was Lisa, and now that you mention it, Ty always talked about mom's true love, Dean. Wait, do you think he was talking about you? Did you have sex with my mom?"
"We are skipping this question."
"You guys never fuckin tell me anything."
Dean's face went from shock to pride to serious parent, "watch you mouth."
The tone was so dead and ordinary as if he was hiding the shock that consumed him. Ryan's face turned red in an angry blush, " Whatever you Asswaffle."
"Asswaffle, what the hell is an Asswaffle. Kid who taught you how to curse?"
"TV and Cas."
Dean sighed from the quality of Ryan's cursing and well the fact that she is the daughter of the love of his life.
"This is gonna be long drive."

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