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The birds chirped lovely music and the sun shone and reflected off of the clouds. It was truely a beautiful morning. Dean yawned as he awoke from a good dream for once. Sam was still fast asleep in the twin bed next to his. Dean dragged himself out of his bed and into the emtpy living room. He noticed the small red streak on the couch cushion. This is Bobby's place. I would be surprised if he had hunted something and got some blood on him.
Dean then slowly made his way to Bobby's study. Bobby was at the books again.
"Did you find something to hunt, Bobby?"
"Yeah, boy. But I think I should just be huntin' this one." Bobby's eyes possessed some sort of shame.
"Have you seen Ryan around? She must of woke up or somethin'" Dean tried to change the subject.
"That's the thing son, Ryan never woke up."
"Bobby," Dean's face became a map of scowling mountains, woven in with fear and a slight guilt, "what are you tryin' to say?"
"I found Ryan's body on the couch blood everywhere, yet she had no marks on her. Ryan died last night, and I'm tryin' to figure out what ganked her. I'm sorry, Dean, I tryed to clean up the mess."
"I don't understand. We only found her about a week and a half ago."
"I'm sorry Dean, but the sooner we find what killed her and how the sooner we can kill it. Go wake up Sam and tell him what happened."
Ten minutes later Sam and Dean came back into the study. Sam's sorrowful expression spoke for the room. They began their hours of research.
Seven hours later, the silence is broken by Sam,"I remember an old book of dad's discribing a child of true war that is reborn every millennia, but never dies in the first place. It's soul remains dormant until another Cambion or Nephilim is born then it combines spirits with the unborn child, hence giving it the opposite ability as well."
"So what your saying is Ryan had two souls morphed into one, like fused twins?" Dean looked up from his book extremely confused.
"Yeah, basically."
Bobby stood abruptly, " I have a copy of that book. I got it before we knew angels were real so I thought it was fake lore, like twilight or bigfoot."
Bobby left the room only for a moment. The book was ancient and dusty. Most of the letters were fading but still legible.
"It says 'In order to kill a child of true war you must first weaken the original soul then kill the attached spirit. At this point, the child will be temporarily be mortal, just long enough to kill them to so spirit doesn't regain strength and return. If the child dies the spirit will no longer be able to reincarnate.'" Bobby read aloud.
"Ok I'm pretty dumb, but in order for reincarnation to happen doesnt something have to die?" Dean was still confused.
Bobby's eyes forced themselves to read once more, ""After a forfilled life or if in extreme danger, the spirit will drain the life and soul from the child as a source of energy, then desert the body. These children of war are in fact only children. They live until they are 21 then the spirit will kill them.'"
"Ok so Ryan was either a Cambion or a Nephilim, then this spirit came and morphed into either angels grace or demon blood?" Sam reered the coversation on the correct path.
"Yes, and since when I found her, there were no imprints of wings, I'm gonna say Cass was correct in saying she was born a Cambion." Bobby cut in.
The debate went on for a few days. The Winchesters and Bobby tried to figure out the motive behind Ryan's death. Two weeks went by, till they decided to take a break and go on a hunt in southern Nevada.
The boys checked in to their cheap motel. Sam laid his bag on one of the beds, claiming it his,"ok, so I think we are hunting a djinn."
"Sound about right"
A loud boom rattled. Once, then twice, then four times. Someone was at the door.
Sam and Dean nodded at each other and grabbed a pistol. Sam swung the door open to find a teenage boy about 5'10" with messy blonde hair that hadn't been brushed in weeks. He was lanky and had violet eyes with dimples. His face was dirty and beaten.
"Can you help me?" His voice was raspy to his own surprise as if he had forgotten how to speak,"Are you Sam and Dean Winchester?"
"Yeah,"Sam answered hesitantly,"who are you?"
"Oh uh, my name is Tyler, Tyler Miles, I saw you two in a vision."
Sam and Dean were silent for a few seconds, then Castiel cleared his throat as everyone jumped in surprise, "Hello Mr. Miles, it is a honor to meet you. You are a prophet of the Lord's who has been chosen to the tale of the peace time, following the end of the true war."
Tyler was in shock, at the sight of an angel, he had recognized this voice from the many he heard as a child.
"Cass, what is the true war?" Sam became extremely suspicious.
"The war of Heaven and Hell, fought on earth. The war contained within a vessel. The war on the inside."
Sam heaved heavily,"You murdered her didn't you, Cass. She was only 14 and you murdered her. She never did anything wrong. Why did you murder and innocent girl, Cass?"
"I did what had to be done, she did not suffer and she has her place in heaven, with memories of him," Cass pointed at Tyler.
"You're talking about Ryan, aren't you? How did you know what she was? I made sure she didn't even know. Is my sister dead?"
"Dean placed a hand on the beaten boy's shoulder, "She is dead. I'm so sorry. How did you know what she was?"
"The angel named Amuzä once said, 'the child of war lives with they young prophet, and he loves her. Is she a threat?' I scarred my voice and told him 'she is no threat to the prophet Tyler.' He believed I was an angel answering his question, so he never harmed Ryan."
Sam looked down solemnly only to see under Tyler's jacket was a huge blood stain on his shirt.
"Tyler, your side!" Sam raised his voice in desperation.
Tyler pulled away the side of his jacket and pulled his shirt up exposing the stab wound that was bleeding out. He looked at them scared them smiled with a wicked delight. His eyes rolled back revealing black eyes."Ty-ty's gone buds. What's should stay dead, am I right?"

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