Delilah and Jezabel

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Ryan took a deep breath as she walked down the alleyway. She sat waited for her appointment to start. She heard a loud crash in the warehouse she was about to enter. Bursting in to see the trouble, she was immediately shot back to the wall. In through the light came the girl with Ryan's face and black eyes. She stood there smiling chatoyantly at Ryan, blinking, eyes still black.
"Hello there, sister. Did you miss us?" The black eyes girl grinned welcomingly.
The warehouse lights flickered a few times to reveal the hundreds upon hundreds of children with black eyes, all young twisted souls. Darkness filled the room and Ryan's mind as one of the black eyed boys took a shot at her.
Her eyes opened slowly as her sister's stared back at her, the army at ease.
"Sweet sister, I missed you," her luring tone violently urged Ryan to listen to every syllable. A meloncholy wave of emotion flushed over Ryan as she sighed in her weakened state. "What do you want Gridel-"
"Ah, we don't call me that anymore. Daddy was never good at names, don't you think?" The souless eyes brightened in faux joy.
"We call me Jezz for now. Oh dear sister, your human name is so last decade isn't it? I guess we will call you  Lilah."
"Jezz, please, I left. I can't do it anymore. I found my humanity and I pray that you find yours."
Without missing a beat Jezz recoiled, "Leave the praying out of it. Daddy never wanted to believe it, but I always knew you had kept your humanity. But it's ok now Lilah-"
"It's ok. Now that you are here, we can fix that."
Ryan gruffed, "I have my humanity, and I intend on keeping it."
"Ah," Jezz sighed, "intention, such a weak word."
Jezz pulled a seraded knife out of hiding from behind her back. She smiled softly as she slowly cut from the left side of her neck, down to her second rib on her right side.
"Kill Sam and Dean." Jezz whispered in the already wimpering girl's ear, before she cut off.
"NEVER!" Ryan screeched from the pain.
Jezz kissed the top of Ryan's head. She stood back up and forced her fist to Ryan's nose. The sharded bone at the bridge of her nose stuck out at different angles as Jezz continued to pound her sister's face in. The intensified screams from the immobile girl shattered the windows in the warehouse. The gargle of her vocal chords straining were inhumane and lethal. Black began to fill the bottom of her eyes like a room would with water. Her irises darted up trying to escape the attacking darkness, the soul trapped in the flood. Just a glimmer left of holy blue. Nothing. Endless. Fear.
Jezz untied Lilah as her body fell limp to the ground. She healed her sister's wounds and carried her to a cot in the corner of the warehouse. A deep sigh of poisoned fulfillment left Jezz's lips. Her sister was finally home.


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