Spot Colons

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As the story continues with the strike of the Newsboys, I am still unable to find my character. Finally, the intermission, right after the ballad, Santa Fe. I get out of my seat with Sam and Dean close behind me walking out of the theatre to talk to them.
"Ok, so I believe everyone with an infulence in her life, is a character, based on that influence." I tried to explain.
"Then, how come I'm Jack?"
A sigh left my lips, "Ryan thinks of you as a father figure or an older brother of sorts, protecting everyone you can. She also see's Sam as a brother but not necessarily over her, he is kind of on her level. Then there is Ty who is Crutchie. I think her hope is that you, Dean, would get close to crutchie, and even at the same time I believe she is scared her brother will be taken from her again, Snyder, aka, Crowley."
"Why do you know so much about this?" Sam entered the conversation.
"It was on while Dean was asleep."
A loud bell rang, similar to a school bell and we rentered the theatre.
As we took our seats the stage light went up.
As the waiter said his line and left, one of the other newsies asked, "'Why do old people talk?'"
Boy Ryan sighed, "' To prove theys still alive."
A few lines later it jumped into my favorite song, King of New York.
I felt like singing but did not wished to be judged.
They story was almost over, Jack was in the cellar and the Brooklyn Newsies followed there cue. Out appeared Spot Colons, my favorite character. I squinted tight to see that Spot Colons was being played by young me, or at least young Jimmy Novak, my vessel.
This made me come to believe maybe Ryan is srarting to forgive me.
After the show we ran out of the beautiful auditorium, to find boy Ryan signing autographs for people that we didn't notice in the autotorium. Once the crowd cleared me made our way over to Ryan.
" Ryan who are we?" I ask trying to see if she/he remembers us.
" I know who you are Castiel. That there on your right is Dean, and on your left is Sam. What are you doing here?"
Sam stepped in, "We are hereto get you out of, well your own mind."
"I'm starting to remember now; Crowley put me in here, didn't he?"
"Yes, now focus on getting us out. Close your eyes and consentrate."
Around them, the world began swirling and twisting itself till it became a warped hell of nightmares. Then a portal opened, and one by one they all left. Sam noticed Ryan was not behind him; when he looked she/he had fainted. He scooped her/him up and carryed her/him out of the hell in her/his own mind.
Back at the bunker, they all woke up. Ryan was a 14 year old girl again, and I felt a lot better knowing that I wasn't the bad guy anymore.
"Ryan do you remember, what jist happened?" I was curious to see how her mental state stood.
"Ummm... Crowley came, he said he was my real father. Then I remember, black, just black, as I ran in his direction," by this piont her eyes were dark and appeared souless as the demon eyed reaction kicked in from fear, "I tried to take him down, but- he threw me and I was unconscious. I jusr came too."
"Ryan," Sam looked like he was going to cry, "did you have any dreams?"
Sam's POV
As Ryan discribed how she tried to go against Crowley, I was thinking, She will never not be in danger. She is never going to have a normal life, and not only that, she is destined to die for good in only seven years. And she can never know.

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