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Lilah jumped up shakily out of the cot in the corner of the warehouse, her eyes dead coals.
"Shhhh, stay quiet!" The boy who had punched her earlier was standing guard of the bed.
In a hushed voice, Lilah called out, "Who are you?"
"My birth name is Philipus, but everyone calls me Anius. Now stay quiet, princess."
She didn't say a word. Lilah sat in silence, thinking about the recent events. Her humanity is gone and somehow she didn't even miss it. She had no need for it. An anger built up inside her. This flame roared deeply in her chest. An internal pain flared up intensely then left with no warning. Even in this weakened state Lilah knew she was stronger. Stronger than the old her, Ryan. Lilah had no weaknesses. She had no empathy, just a war flame fueling her with motive.
"They're gone," Anius interupted her thoughts.
"Just some amateur hunters. Nothing to worry about, princess."
Lilah gruffed still sitting on the cot, "Don't call me that."
"That, is your title, Princess Delilah."
"Lilah, just Lilah."
Anius pondered this for a moment, "Ok fine, but the Princess stays. Your sister, General Jezebel, will do worse than kill me if I don't say it."
Anius lead Lilah to Hell. It was nothing like she imagined. It wasn't a place of gore, it was a country. Yes, there were places of torture, but they were buildings with spells on them to keep the souls inside. There were dome shaped houses that the demons lived in. Shops lined the cobblestone streets selling demon phones, virgin blood, and other pick-me-ups. Though a majority of demons went into sales, there were other jobs too. Demons worked in shops and in hell hound shelters. There were schools for the demons who were born demons. Demon Children usually lived in group homes without supervision, but every demon child looked forward to going to school. What better place to hang out with your friends, torment other kids, and learn about different demonic trades. Anius lead her through the town to a wooden sign in need of repair. The sign said "Gateway to the Kingdom".
Not even seconds later a older looking man appeared next to them. He sliced narrow incisions on their wrists and rubbed the blood on the sign. He chanted in Latin, slowly, distinctly.
"Your'e not good at that huh?" Anius asked as he picked Lilah up off the ground. They were in a beautiful room. Old, ancient, hauntingly stunning. It was chillingly dim, but still magnificent. Turning to take in the whole room, she stopped suddenly. There were three elegant chairs facing her. The two outside chairs were identical to the one in the middle except the middle chair was larger and held a man in a black suit. He sat in the throne sideways eating a turkey leg. Always one for cliches. Crowely.
"Hello Darling, how are you today?"
"Fine. Why are you here?"
"Why this is a castle," Crowley smirked, "and I dear, am the king of Hell."
Lilah looked back at Anius in shock, then back to Crowely, "He said I was the princess."
"That would make sense considering you my daughter," his rich accent engulfed my mind sending me farther done into a numbing trance, "I did tell you that, darling, before you attacked me."
A faint memory never seen to her before filled she soul and distracted her intelligence.
"Lilah, darling," the king spoke once more, "Anius will show you to your chambers, and starting tomorrow, he and you can reenact My Fair Lady."
"Sweetheart, it is a classic, a must see. Anius, make sure Lilah here spends some time watching the musical tonight."
"Will do sir," Anius responded, his hand at salute.
Lilah was escorted to her room aNd began the movie. Anius was standing awkwardly in the corner.
"Do you want to sit with me?"
"May I princess?"
He quietly shuffled over to the bed wear she sat, patient. They sat together in silence, no contact, staring at the screen. Half way through the movie, Lilah dosed off gently. Her head fell limp onto Anius' shoulder. Surprised by the sudden touch, flinched. He picked her up, bridal style, and layed her down by the pillows. Her turned off the lights and the movie, all was quiet. Keeping his orders, he sat in the comfy chair on the far side of the room watching her, keeping his post. His eyes lowered slightly and didn't open. Soft snores came from the chair. A first good dream came from a demon boy.


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