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The boys were just waking up when, Ryan arrived. She was excited to greet them,"Hi, boys!"
Dean sat up out of his bed and saw her. His face contorted into a longing sigh, but switched to a look of battle. His pulled out the pistol under his pillows and shot Ryan in the chest 6 times. She felland before she could get up, Dean had the demon knife to her throat.
"Who are you? This isn't funny." He growled in her ear.
"It's really me, Dean, I promise. Borax and iron cut me you will see."
"What about holy water?"
"Im part demon, Dean, it will burn but not to horrible extent."
He grabbed her arm and cut a shallow mark with an iron knife, then he spilled borax on her,nothing happened. Last he gave her holy water to drink. She guzzled it down and cringed only to blow out steam if she had been smoking.
"Just feels like hot water from a kitchen sink." She smiled at his relieved look but was over taken by surprise by the hug that followed "Ryan, don't you ever leave again."
"I don't understand why you cared so much. You would normally be hunting someone like me?"
"I see you almost like a niece or little sister, Ryan, and im pretty sure Sam does too."
Sam woke up in panic from the sight of Ryan's smiling eyes.
"It's ok Sam, I already checked her."
Sam hugged her so tight, she was lifted from the ground.
"Ryan, how are you alive?" He asked her with another hug.
"I don't know, I just woke up in a hospital bed, I kinda got hot by a car, but I'm ok."
Cas walked into the bedroom, where they were talking. "Ryan can you come with me so I can make sure all your abilities are still intact?"
"No way, Cas. Not this time. Not again." Sam shoved his arm in front of Ryan as a guard.
"It's ok Sam, he can't take me down. He is too weak."
"A demon took you down and she was weaker."
"No, a demon tortured me, I still would have lived if you didn't force my soul out of my body so I was only human."
"What?" Sam seemed angry bt her remark.
"It hurt but, even in my weakened state he didn't know how to kill me, and he didn't, by the way,"Ryan wanted them to be impressed that she didn't actually die.
"You weren't dead?" Dean had finally joined the conversation.
"Well after Bobby buried me, the reaper should me heaven, then hell. The reaper said I was allowed to chose where I would go. I have a human soul, but am holy and damned at the same time. I asked the reaper to help me decide, and they said I wasn't mature enough. By this point it had been three days. I rentered my body and took off. I'm sorry I left."
"Why didn't the attacks kill you? If you were truely dead you would be with the supernatural beings, only your human soul died." Sam was still trying to figure it all out in his head.
Cas then reached through her back as a surprise attack to see if she still had a soul. Her voice wretched and her tears streamed hot down her blood filled cheek, but as quick as it came, the pain was over. She still had a soul. "So what brought me back, because when I rentered my body i woke up six days after the three and not to mention in the middle of the rode. That's when I got hit by that prius."
"Who won,"Dean asked, "you or the prius?"
"Oh that prius was totaled," Ryan laughed, but then the humor was gone, "Seriously though, what brought me back, for real?"
The room got silent as if everyone was waiting for an answer to the question on all their minds.
"Well hello, boys." Crowley stood behind them, with a wicked smile, the king of hell, back again.
"Crowley, what are you doing here, you abomination?" Castiel asked ready with a angleblade.
"Why answering your question of course," he tilted his head to get a better view of Ryan who was tucked behind Sam's height, "hello darling, don't you recognize me? She's feisty, a girl after my own heart really. She took down three of my demons with barely a glance. Talk about if looks could kill, oh wait, her's can."
"Who are you?" Ryan stepped into view.
"Why, your dear old Dad of course. Though not to mention, Lucifer legally adopted you down in hell, just so you know. So he may be 'daddy' but  your here, because of me darling."
Ryan had a single tear from the now flooding memories of hell. They had been so nice, until they forced her to watch souls get tortured.
"GET OUT YOU SON OF A BITCH!!" Ryan screamed till her throat dried and charged for battle. Crowely waited for her to come to him. He tried to grab her, but she swung herself around him and landed sitting on his shoulders. She whipped his head back and covered hia mouth with her full palm so he couldn't escape. She began smitting him, but before the process was finished, his hands reached up and touched her temples sending her into a deep unconscious of dream world.
"What did you do to her?" Sam was checking her pulse.
"She's not dead, just sleeping. For eternity."
Crowely was gone.

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