Chapter 12: Run, Forrest! Run!

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You know those awesome dream-like moments when you're with your Prince Charming, on a date, talking, getting to know him, finally living the moment you'd been waiting for all your life...etc. etc? Yeah, no. That wasn't happening.

I was with Preston and his best friend, Cameron. Dressed in boy boxers, an oversized T-shirt and messy hair, I wasn't the prettiest sight. It was all cool around Cameron, though. I'd known him pretty much all my life and he was like a brother to me. It was around 7 in the evening, and we, being the lazy asses we were, had ceased to come up with anything productive to do, and were now sprawled upon the couch, watching reruns of The Simpsons, and stuffing our faces with Lucky Charms all at the same time. We were hella talented.

You know when you feel so lazy and incapable it's almost like you're intoxicated? Yeah, that was our current situation. The smallest of jokes would make us laugh our asses off.

As we were in the middle of one of our laugh-attacks and I was thoroughly enjoying clapping my hands whilst laughing like a dying seal, the doorbell rang. The three of us fell silent, still recovering from our fits of riotous laughter.

"Who's opening the door?" Cameron asked quickly.

"ROCK PAPER SCISSORS!" Preston yelled and the three of us immediately had our hands in formation.

We stared intently at each other, then looked down at our hands. I sighed. How could someone lose so hopelessly in rock paper scissors? My hand was clasped to form a rock, while Preston and Cameron both had theirs open for paper.

"Fine," I sighed. "But next time, we do staring competition.."

I got up and headed over to the door, not for a moment taking into consideration what I was wearing.

My door opened to reveal Shane's face. Oh wow. He knew where I lived?

"Hey beautiful," he smiled, after taking in what I was wearing.

"That statement proves to be extremely false, even if sarcastic.." I said.

Shane smirked.

"What're you doing here?" I asked.

"Well, Jaden, me and the guys are going out. Wanna come?"


"To this party.."

"What party?"

"A friday party I'm invited to.."

"You're invited to a Friday party?"

"Yeah, some of the Popular chicks did.."

"Oh.." that seemed plausible. Shane was pretty good looking. And a lot of girls, flowers and thorns alike, wanted him.

"Yeah, so..coming?"

"Why me?"

"Well, because you should go out and have some fun, also, you can meet the rest of our peeps."

"But...what if I don't wanna go out and have some fun?"

"Shut up and go get ready! You're coming with us!"

"Why, Shane? Why?"

"Because I want you to!"


"Because you're pretty awesome! And not that I know you, I know that it'll be boring without you!"

That did it. This guy rocked. "Fine.." I sighed. I was epic at losing battles that included will or rock paper scissors. I needed to get out anyway.

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