#7 First Day Of New School

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So thanks guys for reading so far! and mostly thankyou to ThothMain682
for voting for tracer... the one and only. XD GL :p

(f/c) : Favorite Color


I wake up in the morning and it is enough time to prepare my things to school. I put my notebooks and pens in my (f/c) backpack then I put my things on the bed and go washed. After of couple of minutes, I was fresh and go down stairs for delicious bacon and eggs in morning as my mom always do(Some are) then they gave me 100 bucks, that it is alot so I just gonna keep it on my piggy bank for purposes. I was going outside to see Jack is waiting for me.

I said
"Hey wats'up, youre up early."

He was ready to go like PREPARED. Im like couple of notebooks and pens is good enough for me but he got alot more.

"Hey (Y/n)!, I didn't see you there mate. Let sit each other okay, Im-m."
He look scared, like he saw a ghost. "Jack, you're not gonna worry okay. Trust me, you'll be fine. Just act like you would normaly do. Got it?" He nodded and we waited for the bus arrives.

I look at my watch it was 6:10 AM and the bus arrives in 6:15. We went in the bus and search for empty seats for the both of us. To my suprise, I saw Lena... with Emily. She wave and said, "(Y/n), I'm glad that you can made it!" She has this energetic voice makes me happy when I hear her voice. "Hey Lena, and Emily... and btw this is my neighbor and my friend also (signing Jack to say his name)"
"My name is Jack, Nice to meet you girls." They say hi for Jack and Lena gave a quick hug to me, I dont know why it happened but its probaly best to just enjoy the feeling being hug by my crush. We go back to our seats staring in our windows.

I saw our school, It was WOW (Words Of Wisdom jk). It was amazing. I see some cool guys and sexy girls but the attitude is not so cool. We left the bus and go to the door. I was scared to go open it, my hands is shaking. Lena push me a little then she opened the door. Im such a stup!d. We both went in as Lena came first and seeing many people like this gives me chills. I saw a service for first year students, We walk to him to ask some questions of where, when and how to get that or those questions...
"Hello, Good morning sir. Me and Jack are first year section Lint." I gave my info and so as Jack did.
"Hmm, (Y/n) and Jack. Welcome to our school and My name is Professor Reinhardt or just call me Reiner, Professor Reiner." He gave a hand shake to the both of us and I asked
"So Professor Riener, Where should we get our classes schedule and we also need map of this school because this is huge!" He laugh like a german but no doubt he is very big too.

"Just go down the hall you will see two boys handing out papers for the beginers, their names are..." He search for the name of those boys on the desk of many papers. "Ah!, their names are Grabriel and Jack_76. They are 3rd year students so you can ask them for registration and more questions to ask." Me and Jack nodded then Lena and Emily told us that we are the same section. I meant, this is gonna crazy. I was blushing tomato and barely hiding in my handkerchief. "Cheers Luv!" telling me to stay calm. "Thanks Professor Riener!" and he said, "No problem, come ask me if you wanna know more about the school but remember becareful around Talon Groups. They won't go easy on you." Talon groups? Who are they? Why Lena's hands are fisting, feeling anger and Emily ia terrified too. "Come on, guys. Who are they? they won't stand a chance when they face to face to me." I trying to joking around. "Are you really think that you can beat them?!, (Y/n)?" Lena shouted to me and I dont know why. Did I just make the conversation worst? "Lena... calm down. Inhale, exhale, Inhale, exhale. Okay there." Emily calm down Lena and hug her. Well, Im jealous a little bit but still, I dont know why Lena hated so much about Talon, I meant did she go the way that I did before? Losing your love one? I can't think straight. Im just thinking what could possible happened to Lena.

"Sorry, Lena, but seriously I can handle them. You have many things that you dont know about me,


~So that it folks, the opening of the School. This going to nasty. :o

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