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HI guys, its been a long time.
I'm sorry for not updating quite well.
You know...
School and
Family matter.
Like that kind of stuffs

Here we are. Its been bugging me lately.

I need your opinions guys.


Yes, really.

I don't even know what to start.

Here's my question.

1. Do you want Lena (Tracer) a member of talon?


Lena becomes talon and Amelíe becomes overwatch?

Or both become talon

Or both become overwatch

2. Shall I include little overwatch 2 in the future? Or stay the same?

Let me know down the comments guys.

I know that it might be complicated at first.

The most reasonable reason opinion.
Shall be posted in the next chapter.
Ofcourse, by mentioning their names.

Advance Merry Christmas!!!

I'll put a Christmas series.
For you guys.
Much love all!!!

Tracer X Reader X WidowMaker (The Familair Voice)Where stories live. Discover now