# 22 Mission 1

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Hey guys!!! I'm back writing stories. These stories will be longer than the last ones. I am very dearly sorry for late updates. The 10 Christmas Special will be postpone because of my Phone got all malfunctioned all of the sudden. It supposed to be the 10 days count down before Christmas ends but too bad this happened. So I'm here, Let's get into it!!!

I may change a little in the first point of view (fov) thing. You'll know soon.

The other roles will be normal font

(Y/n) will be italicized as always

Bold if that is on a particular setting or Coms


"Lena, you see what I'm seeing?!"

"Bloody hell luv, they're tearing their own kind??"

"I know it sounds fishy. I'm going to the rooftop and see what I can do."

"I'll keep on watch. Take care luv"

I already knew, someone is behind this. Not far away.

When I was transforming to my fav wolf form, that is dark wolf, I turn white wolf. I look at the moon,

"So, it was a full moon."

It has a different feeling other than my dark wolf form. It has this amazing strength. It's only for today. I wished it can last longer and know its powers. I know John told me about the White Wolf.

Is the purest colors of the Wolves but not the strongest one.

Now, I sense her. 35 meters away. 

*transform to Human*


"Hey, I found the one behind this. They have 6 bodyguards, all bulletproof vest. She wears a leather cowboy hat, black suit and with a rifle shotgun in hand. What should we do?"

"Got it luv. Oh, now I get it. It's Ashe and her Gang of Omnics. This is not a good."

"What is not good?"

"The problem is B.O.B, the omnic robot who torn earlier 3 omnics. He is full armored. We already battle them long time ago, and her weakness is B.O.B. Without B.O.B, she's defenseless."

"All in all, this Omnic robot named BOB is just a walking weapon made by her? Damn."

"Seems close enough. But it wasn't only her who worked on BOB."

I got back to Lena. While talking into my Intercom.

+End of com+

We saw BOB, carrying brief case. I don't know what inside it but we knew there is something important inside. We followed from rooftop to rooftop and continued shadowing them.

BOB gave the brief case to Ashe. She opens it and inside there is a lot of money. 

I don't think that Money is inside. It just my gut feeling.

"Why don't we get it. I know you saw money but I know there is something inside"

"What were you saying (y/n)?

"Come on, let's barge in. You go left side of the building, I got the right side and the sniper. After that, get the case and bring it our HQ."

Lena nodded.

We go to our corresponding sides.

My primary goal is to get that sniper, I sense earlier.

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