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johnny's pov

"sooo." lauren crosses her legs in the back of our uber. "how did you ask kenzie out?"

"i didn't." i shrug.

"what?" lauren shrieks.

"shhh!" i roll my eyes. "and what's wrong?"

"you can't just not ask her out! you guys like each other so much! and kenzie hates the area in between dating where it's not official but not at the point where you can get over them. you have to ask her out. poor kenz, she must be so confused." lauren goes on and on. meanwhile my thoughts wander. should i ask kenz out? we're leaving in 3 days. it doesn't make any sense.

"i cant." i interrupt lauren. "we're leaving in three days, and i don't wanna do long distance."

"why? because you don't wanna stop fucking with girls at home? john, this isn't good! i thought you actually liked her!"

"i do!"

"well, you're playing her worse than you play those girls in toronto."

"but-" im cut off by lauren.

"either go back to being friends, which means no more kissing, which, btw, is gross to watch, or ask. kenzie. out."

lauren's so annoying.

"but what if it ruins our friendship and i lose her?" i blurt out. shit, i didn't wanna say that. of course, it's been what's holding me back this whole time, but laurens gonna turn it into some huge thing.

"oh my gosh!" she squeals. see, i'm not wrong. lauren grabs my shoulder. "that's. so. cute." she giggles. "and you'll ask her out tomorrow."

"what?" now it's my turn to scream, and the uber driver looks confused and kinda scared. "i... can't." i lower my voice.

"you're scared." lauren corrects me.

"i mean... yeah."

"aww! well, don't worry, you have to ask her out. your friendship will be ruined if you don't." lauren says cheekily. i glare at her.

"what are you talking about?"

"kenzie will see you as the player, the guy who led her on, the guy she liked since she was young who supposedly liked her back and broke her heart, the-"

"okay, i get it." i mumble. "i'll ask her out. tomorrow."

"fabulous." lauren claps her hands.

i think about how to ask her out. i start by setting up a date with her for tomorrow.

u got any plans for tmr?


can i take you out on a date?

sure :)

dress fancy ish

u mean semi formal?
where are we going?

yep & it's a surprise ;)

so cliche this is unlike u
jk it sounds fun i cw to see u john

same see you tomorrowww

i shut off my phone, smiling. then i start to plan for tomorrow.

but next chapter will b good i promise xoxox
sorry for not updating for a while, school just started for me ew
-ri <3

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