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Awkward silence filled the dining hall, aside from the clattering of diningware to each other. Everyone in the room glanced uneasily at each other.

Finally, Maryse broke it. "I'm leaving for Idris before noon. Iz, Alec, you're both in charge. Keep the Institute clean and organized."

The two Lightwoods bowed in agreement.

"So," Maryse turned to Will. "What's your name?"

"Will Herondale, maam." he answered.

Everyone stopped chewing their food and glanced at Jace, who didn't seem to hear Will's surname but is more focused on the way he answered and snickered at Alec.

"What?" Alec snapped.

Jace rolled his eyes and turned to Will. "Herondale? That makes you my great - great - great - granddad? Having a hot chick for my grandma, that i can accept but you?"

Tessa flushed at the compliment. She watched as the two Herondales study each other as if the two of them are very interesting garbage.

"I can't believe i'm hotter than my granddad. Right, Clary?" Jace said. Clary stepped on his foot, hissed at him and gave that be-respectful-to-your-ancestor look as an answer.

Will didn't seem to take Jace's statement seriously. "No offense, sir. But do i know you? Besides, I'm not that old. And about the hot part, sorry but i am sure that i am the hottest thing to exist. Right, Tessa?" he winked at Tessa, who flushed and took a sip of her coffee. Jem, on the other hand is trying hard not to laugh at the two Herondales.

It took a moment for Will to realise that this is the 21st century.

"Look who's dreaming." Jace sneered.

"Look who's assuming." Will sneered back.

Jace is about to say something horrible he's pretty sure his grandmother Imogen would wash his mouth with bleach and laundry soap if she were here when Maryse came in to stop the two of them to start a flame war.

"So, Mr. Herondale." She snapped. "May i call you Will?"

Will shrugged.

"Will," Maryse started. "Do you have any idea how you got here in the 21st?"

Will considered the question. "I just woke up in a stinking alleyway. I don't remember anything about how i came here." he sighed.

Quack. Quack. Quack. Will and Jace jumped at their seats and grabbed the nearest thing they reached : Clary's spoon for Jace and a breadknife for Will and scanned their surroundings.

"Magnus." Alec groaned and took his phone from his pocket. "I knew i should'nt had allowed him to check my ringtones." he mumbled as he unlocked his phone and read the message from Magnus.

Goodmorning, Alexander. How is the duck treating your two Herondales out there?

Apparently that duck ringtone is meant to annoy Jace and Will.

"What's wrong, Jace?" Isabelle mocked. "Scared of a duck ringtone?" Clary clasped her mouth to surpress the giggles when Jace gave her a look.

"Ducks are horrible. I hate them." He said.

"I know!" Will added. "They're so evil i'll do anything to remove their existence."

"So am i!" Jace said. "Everytime i hear a duck quack i badly wanted to stuff the toilet paper i used in their mouths and speaking of quacks," he turned to Alec. "Change your ringtone, will you?"

Tessa can't help it. She joined Clary and Isabelle in laughing. Seconds later, Jem joined.

"What's so funny?" Will and Jace asked in unison. That got everyone cracked up almost everyone fell in their seats clutching their stomachs. Even Maryse is biting the insides of her cheeks to resist.

Getting The Past Back (An Infernal Devices and Mortal Instruments Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now