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Jace is almost happy that the Clave never called them for missions for the last few days - until tonight.

Jace doesn't mind fighting any day - in fact, he loves fighting, but the point is, It's 11:37 in the evening and he's snoring peacefully on his bed.

"Jace, get yourself up." Isabelle said as she pounded harder on his door, irritating him to the brim. "You're the only one we're waiting for."

Jace grumbled and buried his face on his pillow. They could just take old man with them, right?

"I'm sleepy!" Jace protested, then yawned exasperatedly for emphasis. "Take old man with you instead."

"Mr. Herondale is fast asleep." Isabelle pointed out. Jace sneered at his door. The visitor card? Jace gruffed. Old Man's no visitor - He's also a Shadowhunter. It's his duty to return the nasty demons back to where they came from.

"And we can't let the Clave know about him, right?" Isabelle said, which finally made Jace awake to the last cell in his body, not because of the anticipation of a fight, but because he wants the angry pounding on his door to stop.

"I'll just brush my teeth." Jace called. Isabelle, on the other side, huffed exasperatedly. "Just have a freakin' breath mint"

"Breath mints are of little use!" Jace insisted.

Okay. Isabelle is getting really annoyed now. She used her final card. "Do not make me have Clary draw a rune on your door that would either make your door explode or turn your room to plastic."

Jace liked the idea of the second circumstance but shuddered at the first. He could just grab a chair, spread his legs and suck his fingers and the Lightwoods are in for one hell of a delicious eye candy. But if Isabelle made Clary turn his door to dust, well, Jace is not in the mood to make another door for himself.

"I'm counting one to three, okay?" Isabelle called. "When I counted three and you're not out, I'm calling Clary, got it?"

Jace glared at his door. "Do you want me to fight demons only in my boxers?!"

Isabelle face-palmed and sighed. "You have a minute."


"I suggest you start dressing up now."

Jace huffed exasperatedly, muttered about whiny teenagers, then ran for his wardrobe.

Just when Isabelle is about to go to Clary's, Jace opened the door a little more forceful, looking, well, an early bird. His blond hair looks as if a tornado passed on it, his gear is wrinkled and some buttons are either undone, or in the wrong hole and he still had morning glories on his eyes. Isabelle half-wanted to run back to her room, take her camera and snap a good photo of just-woke-up Jace. But unfortunately, time is the one thing they cannot afford because of this "urgent" Clave call about causing total annihilation on a succubi nest on one of the subway tunnels before their eggs would spawn.

The household had no choice but to obey.  But if you were to ask Isabelle, womanizers deserved to be slayed by this succubi demons for their unfaithfulness to their partners.

"Got any weapon for me?" Jace demanded. Isabelle broke her chain of thoughts and faced him. "Alec is getting you some."

Sleep just won't get to Will.

When he overheard the conversation of the Institute household about a fire message from the Clave, Will didn't hesitate jumping off his bed, following the Light-worm guy all the way down to the weapons room, and squeezing his shoulders which made the poor boy scared out of his wits.

Getting The Past Back (An Infernal Devices and Mortal Instruments Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now