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It's barely eleven in the morning, but the mall is filled with busy shoppers -some, carrying bunches of groceries, some, fighting for a shirt, some forming a line on a fitting booth. Tessa is glad she took Will very early.

She took Will to the department store and headed for the men's section. Will didn't removed his shades despite not only Tessa's annoyance, but of the many pairs of eyes glaring at him because their girlfriends squealed and fainted at the sight of him. A saleslady, who seemed busy pulling off some stocks pulled another woman at the sight of Will. She approached them, her hands fumbling and dusting her top.

"Good morning, sir!" The woman greeted enthuiastically and flashed a brilliant smile at Will. She didn't seem to notice even if Tessa's hand is looped with Will's. He winked at her as he slowly removed his shades and handled it to Tessa. The woman, much to Tessa's disgust, acts as if she could pee in her skirt anytime. Tessa felt really irritated she let her words out without hesitation. "Good day, miss. My husband here didn't had the chance to pack his clothes for his vacation here, you see?" Tessa felt a really odd satisfaction when she saw the lady flinch upon hearing that Will is her beau, obviously didn't get the very obvious lie in her statement: It is really impossible for anyone not to pack any piece of clothing when going to a vacation. The saleslady did not even suspected if they really are married: Will looks no more than twenty-one. And she looks no more than twenty five.

And as for Will, he was almost taken when Tessa declared that he is her husband. Technically, he is. But Tessa is married to Jem this time.

He had his ears completely over Tessa, not paying attention to the girls inside this massive clothing store whom he just flirted. "Judging from your looks, you seem to have quite a fashion sense " Will instantly detected it was sarcasm: the saleslady looked ridiculous in her powdered face and good (not perfect) make up, which didn't seem to compliment her skintone. "That is why i'd really love it if you were to pick a basket full of, uh..."

Tessa went on his back and tugged the neckline of the back of his sweater. She instantly read the size of the sweater who hugged him perfectly. "A basket full of medium - sized shirts and jeans that's size thirty-three and..." Tessa hesitated. She could not tell what Will would appreciate more: briefs or boxers, so she just guessed. "Boxers. Yes. Medium size." she continued. "Oh. And perhaps a belt or two his size. And jackets. Yes. A jacket or two. Just fill the basket to the brim."

"Do you want items that are on sale?" the saleslady asked to Will.

Tessa spoke for him. "Just take anything that you think would suit him well. Even items on sale would do. My husband is not that picky."

"Okay." the saleslady said. "Just wait for me here, maam."

The saleslady bowed her head and went back to another section, telling her co-workers to help her pick Will's clothes.

"Husband?" Will whispered to her ear. She stared at him. "Don't you think we look a little too young?"

"Shadowhunters marry early." she said as-a-matter-of-factly.

"Yeah. But just what do you think will mundanes think?" Will said.

On the corner of his eye, he saw a group of teenage girls flashing sort-of witchlight flashes at him. He nudged at Tessa. "What are those things called?" he asked. Tessa followed his gaze. "They're cameras, Will. They can capture images."

"Images?" Will asked. "Like, when families hire a painter to paint a family portrait for them?"

Tessa nodded. "Except, cameras only take a second to capture an image."

Will made a noise of fascination. "So that means, women can capture images of mind for free? That is actually good because i'm charging those girls pretty high for an image of mine."

Getting The Past Back (An Infernal Devices and Mortal Instruments Crossover)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt