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They met when they were 16 and the pair instantly fell head over heels for each other. They were inseparable. Where one went, the other one would surely follow. You had never seen two people so in love. Everything about them, from the way he looked at her to the way they would hold each other was magical. It was like something out of a fairytale.

It stayed that way for three years.

Three whole years. Full of love and happiness and this overwhelming sense of joy. They should have known it wouldn't last forever; nothing ever does.

Jihye remembered every single detail about that day. From the way the flowers on their balcony swayed in the wind, to the slight humidity that hung like a thick blanket in the air. The two had moved into an apartment together the previous year, it had been their Christmas present to themselves. They decorated it themselves and made it as homelike as it could possibly be. Every detail was positioned to make the place feel like home. Yet that day; that feeling just wasn't there.

It was something about how the blanket lay disheveled across the sofa, how the coffee table had a single half drunk tea in the centre, how the door had been left slightly ajar. Not one bit of it felt right.

He had hoped she wouldn't notice at first; but she did. The half empty wardrobe, the lack of his belongings, the departure of his favourite pillow. It was clear he was gone.

Jihye had woken up to the scene around 9am. Her first reaction was to call his friends. She thought they would of known where he had gone, that maybe it was something he could only tell them. The uncertainty in their voices was crystal clear. She could tell that they were either as confused as she was, or that they were hiding something. It was clear from their tone that he wasn't 'studying abroad' or that he had 'moved to Daegu'. It was all lies.

Why me was her first thought. Why would someone just leave like that ? Did he have his reasons or did he just find it easier that way ? There were no strings attached that way. Maybe that's why he left behind him girlfriend of three years. Left her on her own with no warning or answer. But then why leave someone you claimed to have loved ? It just didn't make sense to Jihye.

The first four months were the most painful. She was in denial. No matter what everyone told her, she had this glimmer of hope in her eyes. She dreamed every single night that he would walk back through that door and that everything had been one big misunderstanding. But it never came. Nothing changed.

She decided to keep the apartment. Even though she slowly lost her hope that he was coming back over the months, she wanted to keep her memories alive; they kept her going. She slowly turned back to her normal self. Although she was never quite the same, parts of her sassy interior started to fit back into place. Normality finally setting back in.

She was finally coming back to the world, even if it had taken nearly a year. But don't get me wrong, she was no where near complete. She was still just as lost as she was when he left. Although her brain had slowly started functioning normally again, her heart was never quite the same. Not even two years later.

It always felt like something was missing.

The only thing that filled it, was her distant memories. Memories of their long walks never to the river of Sunday nights, of the two of them hugging on the sofa after a long day.

She tried her best not to think about them. To not think about him at all. It worked for the most part.

But she didn't dare to think what would happen if she came across him again.


Pre-warning you all that the first chapter was quite long originally so I've split it into two which is why they seem quite short .I hope you all enjoy, please be sure to comment and favourite ❤️

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