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The boys were confused to say the least. They had never seen Jaemin like this. In the years they'd known him he'd always been the calm and collected one. Sure, he had his mad moments but they'd never seen him lose it. Not like that at least. It was so unexpected for them all.

Once he stormed out they were all just stood there, staring at each other, not quite sure of what to do or say next.

"What the hell was that about ?" Mark said, deciding to be the one to break the silence.

"I don't know I've never seen him like that before" Haechan pitched in.

"Me neither" agreed Chenle.

"Let me go and speak to him, I'll try and see what's going on" Jeno said as he followed Jaemin's path out of he door.

The dreamies all stood their, baffled by their fellow members behaviour. No one knew what made him switch like that, he was fine while they were practising.

"Hey do you reckon it has something to do with that text ?" Suggested Renjun from the corner of the studio.

"Yeah, but it's not like we know what it said" mark replied. It annoyed him not knowing what had happened. He just wanted to be there for his fellow members, no matter what.

"Well we could just check it..." Haechan suggested, diverting all of their attention to the iPhone X that lay face down in the corner of the practise room.

"No" said mark bluntly. "We can't invade his privacy like that, it's not right"

"But mark..."

"No Haechan"

"Haechan's right mark"

"Stop being nosey Jisung"

"Please, we can literally just look at his most recent message then we'll stop"

Mark sighed. He knew he wasn't getting beat here. He simply nodded his head towards the phone and replied, "just his recent okay ?"

The moment he replied, the other five boys ran full force towards he phone, tumbling over each other as they came to a halt, all of them desperately trying to grab the device.

"Let me see"

"No let me get it!"

"Chenle move I want to see it"

"GUYS!" Mark shouted from the other side of the room. "Let me read it first," he said, making his way over to the corner where the rest of them were.

Haechan reluctantly passed the phone over to mark, before peering over his shoulder as he began to scroll through his messages.

"Holy shit" Mark whispered under his breathe. "I think you guys need to see this," he said as he handed the phone over to the other four.

Haechan moved from his position behind mark so he was in front. He and mark both held the same shocked expressions on their faces.

As they read through the conversations, their faces morphed from surprise, to confusion. They had all scrapped their original promise of reading through the most recent messages and began reading through years worth of conversations.

He and this girl (none of them had heard of before) had spoken almost everyday for the last two years. From just one word sentences, to massive paragraph, there was not a day unaccounted for in their conversation.

At first, they were naive when reading the messages. Anyone would be. At first glance would assume that it was a secret girlfriend, but when you actually read he messages, it turned into something so much more than that.

Every single message had been about another girl. Whether it was asking how she was, or if she was okay to if she had met someone new or moved away. Not a single message had been about the recipient herself.

It took them a while to process the conversation and put two and two together. They couldn't believe it. Sure, they didn't understand the who story, but they had the basics. He completely left his girlfriend with no warning, and had been messaging her best friend everyday to make sure she was okay.

The boys slowly turned off the phone before returning it to its original position on the floor.

"I can't believe it" spoke out Renjun first.

"Me neither" replied Chenle.

"How the hell could he do that to someone ?" Haechan said. "You shouldn't just leave someone you love like that, it's cruel"

A few agreed, murmuring a slight 'yeah' under their breaths as they all were still processing the situation. The only one who seemed annoyed at his outlook was Mark.

"He had his reasons his Haechan, you've got to remember that if they had stayed together, they could have never been happy whilst he was an idol. She would have been ripped apart by the media" he said calmly. He understood Jaemin, a lot more than the others. He had a more mature outlook on the situation, he knew he was just trying to protect her, even if it did break her heart. "At least he's had the decency to check up on her for the past two years. Didn't miss a single day" he finished off.

"To be honest, I'd be more annoyed at the friend if I was this girl. Imagine not knowing what happened to your boyfriend, crying to your best friend about it. Only for them to hide the fact that they know the truth, it horrible." Jisung said as he snapped out of his daze.

"Well she definitely knows what happened now, and it mustn't be good judging by Jaemin's reaction" Renjun said as he was still struggling to process the situation.

"I think he's just in shock. He said himself in them messages he was waiting for the right moment to tell her." Said mark.

"Guess his times up now then" Chenle added in.

"He just needs to process it, then he'll be back"

"Then what are we going to do, we can't exactly tell him we've gone through all his messages can we ?" Jisung questioned, scared by the prospect that they were going to get caught out.

"We just need to be patient with him, he'll tell us when he's ready" Mark told the younger boy, trying his hardest to settle him.

While this sweet moment occurred, Haechan had made his way over to Jaemin's phone and picked it up, pulling his own phone out simultaneously.

"In the meanwhile, I say we message this girl, see if there's anything we can do to settle this" he said, typing her number into his phone while the others sat there, shocked at his actions.

"Are you being serious Haechan ?"

"Well we can't just sit here like idiots Mark, we need to help our friend. Even if it means going behind his back every so often"

This is a longer chapter for a change so I hope it wasn't too bad! Be sure to vote, comment and add this book to any reading lists❤️

Finally so happy to write about all the other dreamies, even if it did include them being little shits 😂 I honestly love them all and am going to try an include them in this story as much as humanely possible (I'm a dream stan through and throughout). I'm also going to add in some of the other nct members throughout the story, I'm not quite sure of who yet so if you think any of them in particular would fit the story, comment who
Also, I'm going to try and write in third person a bit more as it takes a lot less time, meaning I can get chapters done quicker

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