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They never quite work out do they ?

We think we have something planned out to a tee, that nothing can go wrong. We do everything in our power to ensure there's no margin for error. But never the less, something always goes wrong.

Originally, Jihye had planned a quite night in with her. A takeaway, maybe a bubble bath and one of the most recent releases in bed. She had everything planned out- well, thought she did right up until the moment Hyuna told her to stick a nice dress on and get dolled up. Ripping her from the structure she had created and into a room full of people whom she had never met before.

Ands that's what brings us here. To a spacious, but cosy room adjoined onto one of the nicest restaurants in Seoul. Much to Jihye's dismay, it wasn't just her and Hyuna; they were accompanied by 6 men around the same age as them, all whom insisted they were friends with Hyuna.

This troubled the smaller girls mind as she had never heard the boys names mentioned anywhere, yet there was something so familiar about their appearances to her. But never the less, she wanted to enjoy her final night in Seoul.

Which is probably why, the girl was on her sixth bottle of soju only and hour into the night.

"Jihye I think you need to slow down on the soju," Hyuna whispered into the girls ear beside her.

"B-but whyyyyy I'm having suchhh a good time," she girl giggled out.

As much as the boys had insisted that she needed to be drunk for the plan to work, Hyuna knew she needed to at least be awake to see him. And at this rate- that was looking unlikely.

"Hey next rounds on me!" Haechan shouted from the other side of the table, encouraging a cheer to erupt from all the others. He called for the waitress and placed the order, much to everyone else's delight.That's when the elder of the girls decided to give up and down a few shots.

If you can't beat them, join them. At least that seemed to be the case when it came to these boys.

"So how long have you all know Hyuna ?" Jihye asked , stretching out across the table. Although she was drunk, she still had a few questions surrounding the boys appearance. She mostly found it strange that Hyuna had never mentioned them, in her mind, it was as if they had popped out of thin air.

This caused the boys to stop giggling and look at each other in mad panic. Shit. They hadn't thought this far ahead.

"A mutual friend. We met through a mutual friend," Jisung, the only sober one, managed to spit out. The others surrounding the table all breathed out a sigh of relief at his words, knowing that as long as they gave her a basic answer, she wouldn't ask for more details. She had never been the type of person to intrude on peoples lives.

"Have another drink Jihye," Jeno laughed out, sliding another shot towards the girl, hoping to make her drunk enough so she wouldn't ask anymore questions.

And that ladies and gentlemen, was probably the worst choice they made that night.

Because, that last shot is what led to the group of seven having to quite literally drag Jihye out of the restaurant. And for a petite girl, she weighed an absolute ton.

"Come on get her on the back seat," Mark said, making sure that the younger boys got her in safely. They weren't even sure that she could stand up at this point.

"Renjunie a-re you sur-eee I can't have another drink," the girl stutter out in between hiccups, flicking her eyelashes in attempt to sway him. Sadly, her version of fluttering her eyelashes looked more like someone trying to get something out of their eye at this point.

"I'm sure Jihye, just lie down here and then we'll get you to bed soon okay ?" Renjun replied in a rather soothing voice. It hadn't taken the boys long to sober up once they realised that they needed to look after the smaller girl.

After they had secured Jihye in the backseat, the other climbed into the mini van, with Jisung and Chenle in the front. The only two who had only one drink, or nothing at all I'm Jisung's case.

The journey to the dorm had been eventful to say the least.

Jihye just wouldn't stop screaming. From Jeno to Chenle, everyone was having infinite profanities shouted at them, making the boys question their decisions over and over again. For the entire journey, Haechan had been sat repeating 'we love Jaemin' under his breathe, trying to remember why he was putting up with the screaming girl and Renjun, well, looked as if he was contemplating murder to say the least.

To be honest- the boys and Hyuna were surprised they made it to the dorm in one piece.

After dragging her up the stairs, they finally reached the front door of the dorm with Hyuna and Jihye in toe.

"Wait," Mark said, making all the boys turn to him. "Who has the keys ?"

"Wait I thought you had them," Chenle said, obviously confused by the comment.

"Yeah same," the others chimed in with Chenle.
This causes a slight disagreement between the bunch who were adamant that mark had the keys.

"GUYS," Hyuna said, making he boys jump from her raised voice. "My arms getting a bit sore here carrying this lump," she said motioning her head towards Jihye, "so I'd appreciate it if we could sort this out now"

"Well jaemins in," Renjun pipped in, "We should just knock on, he's going to see her anyway"

"Yeah but if he opens the door that gives him a chance to run away," added Jeno. Which in fact, was very true. They all knew that the minute he saw Jihye he was going to run. and damn could that boy run.

It was a shame that while they were all sorting this out between them, that no one noticed the slight turn of the door handle.

"Guys what's going on out h-"

Then all turned towards the source of the voice,  noticing that the door to the dorm was wide open. They were all armed and ready to explain the situation- well, that was until Jihye peeped out of her drunken state and started to laugh at all the commotion. Causing all eyes to divert to the back of the bunch, all eyes including Jaemin.

And that's when he saw her.

"J-Jihye ?"

Oooffff sorry this took so long to write, just started college and I'm already dying. Chemistry biology and law ain't a good combo 😂😂

Anyways enjoy the update and please don't be silent readers ! Don't forget to vote and comment ❤️

Side note I'm going to try and get the next few chapters of tempted out this weekend as it's all written I just need to format it so yeah


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