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"Oh my god you can't be serious," the red head laughed out, doubling over herself.

"Yeah I'm being one hundred percent serious, live on telly and everything," Chenle said, directing all of his attention towards Renjun who was sat hiding in the corner.


"Okay Renjun I think we get it ," Mark said trying to contain his own laughter after the boys chose to expose Renjun over his little incident on their first encore stage.

(A/N this will forever remain an iconic moment in nct history and I'll fight you on that)

The groups festivities was then cut short Jeno's ringtone blaring through the room.

All eyes turned to him.

Pulling his phone out of his pocket, his eyes widened seeing the caller ID.

"Shit it's jaemin," he said, looking at the boys and Hyuna, his eyes screaming for someone to tell him what to do.

"well answer it," Hyuna said, nudging him in his side.


"J-jeno I need you back now, I need all of you back" a whimper sounded through the other side of the phone.

"Jaemin are you alright, what's happened ?"

"Can you put Hyuna on the phone please ?" He asked, the pain clear in his voice.

"Yeah, yeah of course give me a sec," jeno pulled the phone down from his ear, motioning it towards Hyuna. "He wants to speak to you"

She slowly took the phone from his hand, holding it upto her ear.

"Hi, jaemin it's me," she said, turning away from the others who were listening in.

"H-Hyuna it's happened again and I-I don't know, I don't know what to do," he managed to stutter out in between his cries.

Instantly the red head knew what had happened.

"Shit," she mumbled out under her breathe. "I'll be there in a minute jae I need you to stay calm and sit her up somewhere okay ?" All she got in reply was muffled cries. "Jaemin I need you to listen to me is that okay ?"

"Y-yeah I'll do it now, bye" he said, the shakiness evident in his voice.

Hyuna instantly began throwing her things into her bag. Ever since they had been little, Jihye had always been scared. Scared of being left, of being abandoned. It had been rooted in her since her parents left her.

It had been an usually warm evening in September when the trio had been out. A phone call had pulled Jihye out of the conversation.

At first it seemed fine. She was smiling, the warm breeze pulling her hair around in every direction. It was fine. She was fine.

She hung up the phone, walking back over towards the group before her face completely dropped. Then she started hyperventilating and just hit the floor. The pair had no idea what was going on, they tried their best to clam her down and get her conscious again, but nothing was working. It had only taken five minutes for the ambulance to arrive, but it had felt like hours to jaemin.

It turned out that her parents had been involved it a car accident and died upon impact, the sudden news had caused her to body to go into shock, giving her a pretty serious panic attack.

They occurred regularly for the following few months while she was trying to get back on her feet. After she moved in with jaemin she only had a few, but they scared the living daylights out of him every time. Even after witnessing them multiple times, he was always unsure if he was doing the right thing.

So he always called Hyuna. No matter how minor it had been, he needed the reassurance that it was all going to be okay.

The only difference was that this time, he was the cause of it all, and he didn't know if he could fix it.

A/N helloooooo again everyone
Sorry for this chapter it's just a bit of a filler one before we get to the good stuff ! So I've decided that this book will have about twenty chapters so we're at the halfway point now
Also a bit of shameless self promo but my new book 'drive' is also out and I would really appreciate it if y'all could check it out !

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