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Silenced filled the stairwell. All they could do was remain frozen still.

Jaemin's face had completely dropped at this point, his eyes scanned across the faces before him trying to fathom what was happening. They lingered on Hyuna slightly longer than the other boys, while she acknowledged him with a look that was pained with guilt.

Then, they landed on her.

It was the same face he had stared at for 3 years, the one he shared his life with, the one which he would kiss before he went to bed every night. Her smile, still as bright. Even in the fluorescent lighting of the stairwell he could see the light in her eyes.

"W-What are you doing here," he asked, diverting his attention towards Hyuna, the girl who he had originally entrusted with his story.

"Jaemin look I can explain-"

"Maybe we should do this inside you two," Mark said, remembering the last time they had caused a disturbance in the stairway, causing their neighbours to complain to their managers. That wasn't very fun trying to explain at 4am.

The two complied, following the lead of the six in front. Hyuna had passed Jihye onto Renjun at this point as he carried her in, letting her arm rest after heaving her up them stairs.

Jaemin hung back a little bit, being sure to follow at least two feet behind those in front. He felt destroyed on the inside. Like he had been pried of the one chance he had to make things right with the brunette. She was never going to forgive him for not telling her, anyone who knew the girl could tell you she was stubborn enough.

Yet, even with all these feelings inside, he couldn't help but be mesmerised by her face once more, even slung over Renjun's shoulder she looked picture perfect to him.

Mark had tried his best to rally their boys into their individual parts, succeeding for the most part. Renjun just stood frozen in the hallway, unsure of where to take the girl.

"Take her to my room," the third youngest said, causing the remaining people to turn their heads in confusion.

"Are you sure ? We can always put her in-"

"No I'm sure mark. I'll take the sofa tonight," he said before turning to Hyuna. "You can sleep in there as well, there's enough room. But we need to talk first," he said softly.

The ginger haired girl nodded her head slowly before making her way towards the sofa.

The pair sat with as much space between them as humanely possible. Neither on them quite knew what to say.

"It wasn't my fault you know," she breathed out, leaning back into the seat.

"H-how did she find out," the boy asked tilting his head down towards his lap. He was ashamed of himself. He should've been the one to tell her.

"She saw you on music core and flipped, ran out the room crying. I literally had to blackmail her to come here with me," she laughed out, finally getting the courage to look the boy in the eye.

He just sighed, rubbing his face into his hands.

"I was planning it out you know. I wanted to invite her down, take her out somewhere and explain everything. Why I made the choices I did, why I put her through everything. I just wanted her to understand my choices and not hate me. I-i just, I didn't want her to hate me," he whimpered out, at this point tears had started to shed from the boys eyes. He just couldn't hold it in.

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