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"What the fuck" she muttered from under her breathe. Her phone hadn't stopped pinging for the past 20 minutes.

She knew it wasn't Jaemin as she had changed the sound for his notifications, so she knew when she needed to hide messages from Jihye. No point in that much longer.

Sorry don't really know how
To start this
Let me ask mark
Sorry about him
We need to ask you about
Maybe someone
That just sounds dodgy hang
On a second

Erm who the fuck is this ?
Ahhh finally hello my names
mark but I'm on my friends

How did you get my number ?

Well you see that's actually a pretty
funny story but I'll just get straight
to the point. We're Jaemin's
friends and we want to help

Help with what exactly ?

Well we want to help Jaemin
and your friend, (her name
wasn't in the texts) sort their
drama out


This made Hyuna pretty damn angry. If they had read them texts, they knew everything. From when Jihye had cried to when a boy had tried to flirt with her to the first night she had stopped calling out his name in her sleep. They knew everything about her.

You know what, that's not
what matters here, what
matters here is young love

'Wow' she though to herself. 'They really are Jaemin's friends'

And what do you propose, I drag her out to Seoul and expect them to fall madly in love again ?

Yeah isn't that how it's supposed
to work??

Yeah but not when your boyfriend left you without any explanation so he could bloody some idol


But seriously, come to Seoul
we need to fix this because it's
starting to effect his work. We've
never seen him like this. Please.

That made her pause and think. They both needed the closure. No matter how much either of them denied it. But how the hell do you force someone to take a trip down to Seoul ? The exact city where their ex boyfriend just so happens to be living. Once there she knew she could trap her. Jihye was naive to things like that. The only issue she could see with this plan was how to get her down there.

At first, she laughed the idea off, but the more she thought about it, the more she thought about how this would help the both of them. Jihye would finally be able to move on and Jaemin would be able to focus on his work again. If it worked out, it would be perfect.

That's when she started planning. She needed a reason to take her there, knowing that Jihye didn't trust her at the minute made it even harder, but that's when she came up with an idea.

BTS we're having a concert in Seoul the following week. It was perfect.

They were both huge fans of the boys and had made pacts to go to as many of their concerts together as possible. If one asked, the other couldn't refuse. As childish as it seems, she knew Jihye wouldn't refuse, she stuck to her promises religiously.

Next Tuesday. We'll be in Seoul for the BTS concert. You better have a plan for when we get there.

The boys
Trust me. We've got this covered.
Just send us what your up to
when your there and we'll fix it

She just hoped she was doing the right thing.

Meanwhile, back in the studio the boys were concocting up their side of the plan.

The six of them lay out in the living room of their dorm trying to figure out how they could get the two to 'accidentally' run into each other. They had to be careful. They knew that it couldn't be public otherwise fans might see, or even worse take pictures and start rumours- and that would just start a whole over panic.

They had to be meticulous and cunning with their plan.

And that's when they thought of it. Their so called masterplan.

Haechan was going to pretend to be old time friends with Hyuna. They would arrange to meet up and she would bring Jihye, after going out for food (and hopefully a few drinks) they would go back to the dorm and stay over he might. Thus, bringing the two together.

I'm simple terms, they were getting the girl drunk then bringing her to the dorm. There's no way in hell she would agree otherwise.

The boys sat there with big smirks on their faces, feeling quite proud of themselves. Not only were they helping Jaemin get some closure, they were helping a young girl return to normality.

Of course, they had to make it work first.

Let me tell you know these dream videos are KILLING me. The first one was adorable with all their little scores and stuff then dear dream came out today and I was literally on the verge of tears.

That killed me and then "But I don't want this to sound like we're about to depart" just ripped my heart out

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That killed me and then "But I don't want this to sound like we're about to depart" just ripped my heart out. I regret saying I want a dream comeback I don't want it if it's going to be this sad 😩

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