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"oh Jihye," Hyuna said, embracing the smaller girl into her arms. "what have you don't to yourself ?"

The younger girl looked as though she hadn't slept in days. Bags had replaced the honey skin that had once been under her eyes, slight mascara stains evident along her face. She was look physically and mentally exhausted.

She clung onto Hyuna as if her life depended on it, never quite wanting to confront the reality she knew was about to hit her.

"We have to talk about it at some point you know," Hyuna whispered into the girls ear, leaning down slightly.

"I know, I know, but please just not right this second okay ?"

Hyuna pulled away, nodding at the girls words. "Whatever you want angel, I'm here for you" She took this opportunity to look around the girls apartment with it quickly becoming clear that she hadn't been able to leave.

"come on then chick," she said, sliding her arm over her shoulder, "I'll go order us some food and you put a movie on Okay ?" Jihye just modded eagerly in response, tottering her way into the living room while Hyuna went towards the kitchen. Pulling out her phone, she ordered the usual food and grabbed a bottle of wine.

Just as she was about to walk out, her phone rang- the user ID showing it was Jeno.

"Hey, i cant talk for long"

"Hey I just wanted to give you an update from our end"

She heard him take a sigh on the over end

"It's happening tonight"

"Tonight, is that not too soon ?"

"Honestly, i think if he doesn't do this now, he never will. It's taken us forever to get him to come round to this and I don't think we can keep the idea in his head for too long"

"Okay, that's fine, I'll just give her a couple drinks to stop her freaking out so much"

"Why am I not surprised by that ?" He chuckled softly down the other side.

"Shut it you, You're the one who got drunk last time and had to be carried home okay ? Not me" she couldn't help but laugh out at his statement.

"Now, i better get going, I'll text you later okay ?"

"Yeah sure, in a bit"

The pair said their goodbyes before hanging up. She slid her phone into her pocket before grabbing the wine and two glasses.

She put on her best poker face and walked into the living room, trying not to show any sign of panic.

"Hey did you order the usual ?" Jihye from the sofa, looking as relaxed as she could be.

"Of course, what else ?"

"Oh you are an angel," the girl just winked back before throwing herself onto the sofa alongside her.

About three bottles later, the younger girl was passed out, her body sprawled across Hyuna on the sofa. The thought of Jaemin was long gone by this point, he had been replaced by a painfully long takeaway order and multiple bottles of wine.

Yet something was still off. It didn't take a genius to notice the lack of smiles and laughs coming from Jihye, the girl who was usually bright and full of life has practically sizzled out.

After spending the night listening to her and watching how she was behaving, Hyuna became increasingly uneasy.

She had seen this behaviour all before, it was like deja vu to her; and she didn't like it one bit.

It broke her heart to see her best friend like that, as it would anyone's.

From the moment they knew Jihye had left Seoul they'd come up with their plan. It had been vigorously organised, both parties making sure everything would go exactly how they wanted it to. But now, she wasn't too sure.

Sitting there staring at how peaceful she seemed made her wonder if all the hassle was even worth it. Why ruin the girl again when she had just started to find herself ?

Before her thoughts could eat away at her anymore, Hyuna saw her phone ringing from across the room.

Slowing prying herself from underneath Jihye, she made her way towards it, answering once she saw the caller ID.

"hey Jeno, i was just going to call you"

"oh yeah ? how's everything going up your end, is everything alright ?"

"well that's what i wanted to talk to you about actually" she took a deep breathe before continuing. "i don't think we can do this"

"what ?" Jeno almost shouted down the phone in the surprise.

"Look i just don't think she's ready for this, not emotionally at least. I just don't think forcing this on her would do her any good if you know what i mean"

"yeah I know what you mean but, i hate to break this to you," he paused, taking a deep breathe in.

"he's already done it"

"WHAT ?" Hyuna shouted in surprise, cutting up the silence.

"what do you mean he's already done it ?"

"i mean it's been sent in, the company have approved it already"

"shit shit shit shit," she repeated under her breathe.

"I thought we said we were gonna wait till both ends gave it the all clear ?"

"well we were- then Jaemin got impatient and did it himself"

"fuck sake, do you know when it's going to be up beca-"

"i'd check naver if i were you, i've just got about ten thousand notifications from it"

"okay okay i'm on it"

The pair hung up, the red head instantly opening up the browser.

Her eyes turned wide at the main title splattered across the page.




oh shit indeed.


sorry about the long ass wait i've been trying to sort out my life before i came back to writing but oooofff it feels good to be back

it's also time to announce that this book officially has 2 chapter left plus a epilogue

it's been a longggg journey and i just want to thank you all for the support i've had with this book

i hope you continue to support it (even with my poor updating skills) and vote for the chapters and comment 💗


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