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Tuesday, 2:39am

The buzzing never seemed to stop. Notification after notification, it was never ending.

Two hours, that's how long ago it had started.

Two hours had passed since the article came out, and it hadn't taken people long to put two and two together. It only took one person to recognise her, before it snowballed into an influx of people putting a name to the face in the photos.

Her face was everywhere, from twitter to the chat rooms, everyone knew the who the girl in the photos was.

And she couldn't take it.

When the article had dropped, Jihye had been fast asleep. But it didn't take long before she was woken by the constant buzzing of her phone.

"Breathe Jihye, just breathe you'll be fine" she repeated like a mantra to herself. Tears had started to form in her eyes, her hands starting to shake.

'Is That really you with Jaemin ?'

'Really? yikes he could do so much better than that'

'Omg wait didn't they go to the same school, did they used to date'


'You're only with him for the attention, cant believe he's stooped that low'

"Jihye, are you alright ?" Hyuna asked, slowly waking up.

"I-I dont think I can do this, I-," before she could finish her words, the tears began to pour from her eyes.

Once she realised that she was as crying, Hyuna was instantly on her feet and running over to the younger girl, cradling her in her arms.

"Shhhh, it's okay, I promise"

She could see the notifications bouncing off the girls phone, and it didn't take long for it to click.

"I can't do this anymore, I-I can't do this," she stuttered through her tears, her breathing becoming ragged. "I have to go I can't stay here, I can't-"

"It's fine I understand if you need to take a break, and I'm sure Jaemin will too."

Her eyes widened at the mention of the boys name.

"Oh my god Jaemin, this is going to break his heart what about his career? I've ruined it for him haven't I, it's all my fault I-"

"Stop it!" Hyuna said, snapping Jihye out of it. "This isn't your fault, stop blaming yourself. He's the idol in this relationship, he knew the risks with his career and fans, and you can't put this on yourself."

"I can't stay here"

And with that, she began frantically packing; throwing everything she had into the bag, stopping every so often to wipe the tears from her eyes.

Hyuna sat on the end of her bed, watching the girl nice at lightning speed. She knew that would be best for her. She was overwhelmed and scared, and you couldn't blame her for that. At the end of the day, she was still young and had no idea what she wanted with her life.

She couldn't stop shaking, even while she was trying to book her train, the notifications every two seconds were driving her insane.

"The next train comes in at 3:10 I- I need to go now if I'm going to make it," her breathing was all over the place and her vision was blurred from the tears.

"It's alright, I can get you to the station"

"Are you not coming ?"

Hyuna sighed from across the room, "someone's going to have to explain everything, and you aren't in a fit state to do so" Jihye grabbed her luggage and started heading towards the door. "Let's get going then"

The car ride was silent. Neither of the two knowing quite what to say. But it didn't really matter, they both just wanted Jihye to get home.

It had just hit 3 when they had pulled upto the station. They both knew they didn't have much time before Jihye had to leave.

"You listen to me okay, get home and sleep, please turn off that damn phone of yours, and if you need me please just use your landline okay ?" The you get girl nodded in reply, trying to hold back her tears once more.

"Look after yourself okay ? Don't worry about him, I'll sort it out, you just need to focus on your life for more than one minute, I promise it'll all be okay," she held the girl tightly in a hug, not quite wanting to let go of her.

"Thank you," Jihye said softly, her eyes full on sincerity.

And with that she was gone. Leaving Hyuna in the Seoul on her own, determined to fulfil her promise to the girl.

She knew she just had to keep on saying the same thing to herself, again and again.

Everything's going to be alright

Although some of you might wish I wasn't after this update hehehe

So funny story this was actually supposed to be updated on Tuesday but I ended up spending 8 hours in a&e instead having a great time🙃

I'm on holiday now for Easter and I've got two weeks off so should be posting a few more chapters within the coming weeks

Now for those of you who have been reading my a/n's you will know that I wanted to finish this book at around chapter 20 and we're getting close to that. I think I may go to 25 or one or two less than that but I just want to do this story justice so the ending might not come that quickly is that makes sense ??? I've put a lot of work into this book and just want to make it worth both mine and your time!

As always, hope you've enjoyed and I'll see you next time

Please be sure to vote for this chapter, leave some comments and add it to your reading lists thank you ❤️

Also as a quick side note I've unpublished 'drive' to do some work on it over the next two weeks, it should be back up ASAP!x

Why | Na Jaemin (NCT)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora