2.9K 92 31

It was close to midnight when Jihye arrived back at the hotel room she and Hyuna had booked. The hallways were deserted, with the only source of sound being muffled conversations hidden behind the hotels doors.

She sighed before reaching for the handle.

Room 127. How ironic.

She couldn't help but laugh at it. Once she had found out about jaemin she did a bit of research about the group, recognising a few from their encounter the previous night.

Cautiously, she pushed the door open, sliding into the room before closing it softly behind her. The first thing she noticed was that the lights were off, which In her eyes was a god sent gift as she wasn't quite ready to get grilled by Hyuna, not yet anyway.

Speaking of the red head, she was occupying the bed on the left, up against the wall, leaving Jihye with the one next to the balcony.

Within five minutes of entering the room, she had changed into her pyjamas and was lying in her bed, staring at the ceiling. The events of the day were running around her mind still, even after her walk she just couldn't shake it all off.

For her, something felt different this time round, and she couldn't quite figure out what it was. Whether it was the shock of actually seeing jaemin or the fact that he did it all for her, she just couldn't compute it all. Which is why she spent two hours tossing and turning, trying to find some kind of comfort.

In the end, she gave up and decided she needed air. Slipping out from her covers, Jihye moved towards the balcony doors, sliding them open, silently thanking Hyuna for giving her the best closest to it.

She shivered slightly, not anticipating the cold breeze before walking into the balcony fully, looking over at the view of the city. She found it stunning, from the variations of lights dotted around the land from the strokes of blues and purples across the sky- there was something calming about it. The city almost reminded her of home. Almost being the key word. There was just something different about Seoul for her, something unknown, and she couldn't help but feel envious of Jaemin for being able to experience it all the time.

Her mind couldn't help but wonder back at the sight of the city. Imagines of home flashing through her mind, how she came to this point.

It all felt so surreal for her.

"Hey, Jihye!" Hyuna yelled, running after her best friend what the corridor, accidentally hurdling straight into her.

"Watch where you're going," the girl laughed out, attempting to pick up all of her belongings, whilst the red head stood doubling over as she laughed.

"Okay I'm sorry but you'll never believe what's happened," she teased, easily catching the attention of Jihye who stopped and lifted her head up in interest.

"What ?" she questioned, her eyebrows furrowing slightly.

"There's a new boy in our classes," Hyuna screeched out, whacking her best friends arm in excitement.

"What have we said about hitting," Jihye scolded her.

"Shit sorry, anyways he's apparently gorgeous, rose and Dee saw him this morning"

"Well you know I don't really care, I'd rather just get out of here instead of throwing myself all over the boys," she said quite bluntly, dragging her best friend, who's face was plastered with confusion, towards maths. "Now move it I don't want to be late."

Hyuna sighed in defeat, willingly following the girls lead into their maths class and towards their desks.

"But seriously, you never know, he could be drop dead handsome, imagine, we really need to find you a boy," she sighed leaning back into her seat, imaging all the possibilities.

"How many times do I need to say I don't want nor do I need a boyfrie-" before Jihye could even finish her sentence, she was cut off by a smooth voice echoing slightly over her shoulder.

"Sorry but is this seat taken," he asked, waiting at the seat next to Jihye.

She turned to see who it was and was met with an unfamiliar but handsome face.

"It's not taken, have it love it treasure it and maybe the person next to it," Hyuna spoke out quickly before Jihye could object. This led to the girl receiving a slight punch in the arm.

"Ignore her, that's Hyuna," she said to the boy, just about getting her words out as her mind scrambled to string sentences together that didn't consist of 'damn you're beautiful'

"And what would that make you," he asked, a lopsided grin appearing on his face. It hadn't been five minutes but you could already see that the boy was whipped.

"Jihye. Kim Jihye," she softly told him, looking him in the eye as she did.

"Well Kim Jihye I'm jaemin, Na jaemin. And I feel as thought this is the start of a beautiful friendship," he chucked out.

"I hope so too Na jaemin," she said, returning the bright smile that the boy had offered her.

It was weird to think how much had changed since then for Jihye. How she had grown and so had their relationship. All she knew was that the boy she fell in love with was still there, his face and charm still as perfect as ever.

The only question being, was the girl he had fallen in love with still there, or had she been Hurt this time round.

This is awful and I'm awful
Hope y'all enjoyed it, please be sure to vote and comment if you did would mean a lot to me ❤️
Thought I'd do a nice lil flashback for once in my life

Promise I'm actually going to get my arse in gear and get a schedule going at some point

           Stay fresh and until next time ✌🏼

In the meanwhile here's a stunning photo of jisung for you all. Don't say I don't treat you.

 Don't say I don't treat you

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