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It had only taken the group a few minutes to arrive at the dorm. They had quite literally ran from the breakfast bar down the road to the dorm in record time but they all knew that every second mattered in this situation.

After a sprint up the stairs, Hyuna was the first to reach the door. "I'm going to go in first, please wait for jaemin to come out, I need to talk to Jihye on her own or we're never going to resolve this okay ?" All the boys nodded in agreement, however this didn't stop them putting their ears to the door the minute the red head went through it.

Hyuna walked straight over to the boys room, swinging the door open without hesitation, "jaemin is she-"

But before she could continue, she was cut off by a 'shhh' that erupted from the boy. "She's not long got to sleep and I just want to leave her like this," he said, stroking her cheek softly.

"Jaemin I need you to tell me what you want me to say"

"Tell her everything," he sighed out, continually staring at the girl with loving eyes. "From the training to the threats to the dorm. She deserves to know it all"

She couldn't help but sympathise with the boy. She was one of the only people who knew what both sides had been through and felt awful keeping it a secret, but it's what had to be done; she just hoped Jihye would see it that way.

"I promise I'll tell her," she said walking towards the boy. "But right now, you need to get some rest okay ? The boys are outside so I suggest doing with them somewhere, I'll text you once I'm finished"

Jaemin was incredibly reluctant to get up at first, you could see it in his eyes. He just wanted things to stay like this a little longer, she just looked so peaceful to him. He meant over the bed, giving her a small but lingering kiss on the forehead, before walking out towards the boys.

"Oh Jihye what have you done this time," the girl particularly whispered, moving to sit next to here.

She waited for or so minutes for the boys to leave the dorm, she knew Jihye needed some time without them, it was the only way she would actually listen.

"Jihye," she said softly, shaking the girl slightly in an attempt to wake her up. "Come on, its time to talk."

Her eyes fluttered open as they adjusted to the light, a confused look spawned its self across her face.

"I had a really bad dream, I thought that I saw jaemin and I-

"Jihye it wasn't a dream," Hyuna told her bluntly, giving her a look as sympathy as she did. She knew she couldn't sugar coat this, they'd already done that for way too long.

Before the girl could reply, her best friend cut her off. "Before you start I need to explain this and you're going to have to listen to, no storming off or cutting me off. Okay?"

Jihye modded timidly, sifting up at the girls words.

"Now, I only know this story from my point of view. There's so many more things that jaemin wouldn't tell me so you are going to have to speak to him." She stiffened up at these words, the thought of actually talking to the boy made her blood run cold- she didn't want to face him, she didn't even know if she could.

"From what i know, it started before you two even got together. He had dreamt of being an idol, practised whenever he could. You know how he would tell you he was going to the gym, he was going to practise; and it all payed off. He got scouted by SM while doing his volunteering work. All I really know from there is that he tried being with you and training but it just wasn't working," the girl sighed. It was like s weight was being lifted off her shoulders, she'd been dying to tell her for so long.

"From what I can defer they gave him an ultimatum. You or his job, and he chose the job. He packed up while you were at uni then waited until the morning to catch the bus to Seoul. I only found out he was doing it that morning, he made me promise not to tell you, he wanted to do it himself. But, as time went on he just kept on putting it off, he couldn't do it. I had to hide you from it, his life, his job- everything, we just wanted to protect you for as long as we could. He didn't want you to out find the way you did, he was just waiting for the right time. Speaking of which, you both need it, time." She spoke softly, with the young girl staring at her intently, taking all the information in.

"I'm sorry that's all I can give you Jihye, but you need to talk to him. He can give you the answers you need, just please don't be mad at him for not letting me tell you everything. All he's ever wanted is for you to be happy, that's all any of us want," the red head broke down into tears before she could get out anymore words, instantly pulling the girl into her grip, giving her a tight hug.

"Okay I'll do it," she barely whispered out. Hyuna pulled back with wide eyes.

"Are you sure ?"

"Yes now tell him I need to meet him before I change my mind." Her uncertainty was evident in her voice, she had possibly just opened Pandora's box. But it needed to happen. She needs to speak to him, she needs answers and most importantly she needs to know why.

4pm, the old cafe round the
Corner don't be late and please
Don't screw this up. She can't
Loose you again.

Welcome back everyone !
Sorry it's taken so long to update I've been really busy with college and I'm not feeling too great. Hope (ayyy that's my name) this chapters alright❤️

Side note:
First of all jungwoo and ten make prettier girls than I ever will and secondly who the fck let Chenle go as pennywise clowns are legit the one thing I can't deal with
(Taeyong as Jack Frost still remains superior I don't make the rules)

Be sure to vote for this chapter and comment
Till next time ✌🏼

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