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"HYUNA," I yelled from my place at the stove.

"YEAH ?"

"Do you want some pancakes, I'm gonna make myself some for breakfast ?" I asked, whisking the batter on top of the marble counter. There was a long pause before she answered, one thing to note about Hyuna was that she was very indecisive, no matter how many times she tells you she isn't.

"Eh yeah just do me one or two thanks" was the reply I got from the front room.

I make enough batter so that she can have three. Let's just say I know this girl and I know she'll start taking mine after she finishes her second one. She's always hungry.

Jaemin was like that as well.

Shaking the thoughts out of my head I proceed to put the pancakes into the pan, flipping them every so often. After making what appeared to be a sufficient amount I walked toward the table in he dining room and placed them on top.

"Hyuna ! Foods ready," I yelled as loud as I could, receiving no reply- as expected.

Making my way towards the lounge area, the sound of music began to flood my ears. The best on the song sounded amazing, and the singing wasn't too bad either. There was something familiar about the voice though.

I made my way towards the door before shouting at my best friend, who at this point was just lounging across the sofa.

"Ya ! Hyuna I said foods ready," I shouted as I made my way through the door.

And then it was like a huge flash. She dived forwards and grabbed the remote, turning the TV off at the speed of light before looking at my face in panic.

"Right let's go eat !" She said, speed walking up to me, linking arms before attempting to drag me out of the room.

"I don't think so," I said, yanking my arm out of hers. "What the hell was that about ?"

She looked scared, the fear in her eyes was crystal clear at this point.

"Nothing let's go," she said, attempting once again to drag me out. But I wasn't moving.

"Yeah we will do once you put the tv back on," I told her, reaching my arm out to grab the remote. She instantly pulled it away. What the hell was wrong with her ?

"no just leave it Jihye"

"No give me the remote"

We stood in silence for about 30 seconds. Then I had my chance. I lunged forward when she wasn't expecting it, snatching the remote out of her hand, turning the telly on at the first chance I had.

It was just music bank.

"Hyuna I really don't see why this was such a big iss-"

That's when I saw him.

The same disheveled brown hair I used to play with. The same plump lips I used to kiss. He had blue contacts in but he had he same sparkle in his eyes, the one he used to have when he was overcome with this rush of happiness.


That couldn't be him. That's not him Jihye snap out of it. He left you. He left you and you don't know where he went. But what if it is.

Hyuna looked at me with knowing eyes. Wait does that mean-

"I'm sorry," was all she managed to squeak out.

That's when it finally hit me.

It really was him.

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