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3 weeks.

That's how long had passed since that day.

Both of them had locked themselves in their rooms; one out of fear, the other out of frustration.

The fear side came from Jihye, who, even if she wanted to, was unable to leave the house due to the staggering amount of people outside. Every Time she even tried to look out the window, all eyes were on her, and it was horrifying. All she could feel was these eyes on her 24/7, she was suffocating in her tiny apartment.

Jaemin on the other hand, had been locked in his room by Jeno. The boy knew that if he let him out, all he was going to do was something stupid, it was inevitable. Sure, his heart was breaking but he wasn't thinking rationally. If he had it his own way, he would be on the first train home- and that just wasn't possible considering their schedule. He had always tried to be calm and level headed but this had thrown him off entirely, it felt as though he had nothing.

After staying in Seoul for the past few weeks, Hyuna had finally managed to lug herself into a train home. For her, it had been exhausting. She had been trying her hardest to do damage control on behalf of her best friend. She had gone in and spoken to SM and even to NCT themselves. All she wanted was her best friend to feel happy and safe.

Hey, just checking in on you,
How long till your train gets in ?

She chuckled to herself, reading the message to herself as she got into her seat on the train.

Not for another few hours,
And I'm fine, I promise,
Just need some sleep

Although neither of them wanted to admit it, the two had actually become quite close trying to sort out the mess that had become their best friends relationship. They both had this need to fix things, other peoples issues, and that's what made them so close.

Thinking back, Hyuna couldn't help but smile to herself. She had really found a friend in Jeno and it couldn't help but make her heart warm a little.

"You can't stay in your room forever you know, you're going to have to leave at some point"

"Well, i can try"

Jeno sighed, running his fingers through his hair. They'd been repeating this conversation almost everyday for the past few weeks; Jaemin only giving in when they had schedules.

"You know, we can hear you when you run out for food when you think we're all asleep"

"Shit," he heard the boy mutter from the other side of the door. "Well I'm not going to starve myself am I"

""I give up with you," the boy said before walking away from the door and into the kitchen. He had been unbelievably difficult since Jihye left, the worse any of the boys had ever seen him. He would've leave his room, wouldn't talk to the boys, wouldn't do anything. And it was all because they told him he couldn't contact her; not until they had it sorted out. It was all part of the plan Jeno and Hyuna had concocted, they needed to be separated, just for now at least.

Jeno was pulled out of his thoughts by the tone of his phone. Seeing the caller ID he smirked before sliding it across to answer

"What, you miss me already ?"

"Yeah yeah you wish, I was just calling to let you know I was home"

"Ahhhh good to know, was it an alright trip ?"

"As good as it'll ever be, just couldn't stop thinking about the mess I'm about to walk into"

"Well look, she can't be worse than the kid I've got over here throwing a tantrum"

The pair both laughed at his words.

"I wouldn't be too sure about that, the poor girls been trapped in her apartment by the press and she's probably overthinking everything as per usual, I just want to make sure she's alright"

"I know, I know. Text me once you've seen and spoken to her alright ? If we're gonna get this sorted it's gonna have to be soon"

"I agree, anyways I'm gonna go, I'm nearly at hers"

"Alright, speak to you soon, bye"


And with that, the pairs plan to bring their best friends back together, finally began.

Ello ello ello
Only a short chapter this time round but it's only because it's a little bit of a filler and a tease of possibly a lil couple 🤭

Anywayssss I am both happy and sad to announce that we are officially going into the final chapters of 'why'

It's been amazing writing this story and I honestly can't believe that it's nearly come to an end

I'm hoping to have the finale or the one before that out by next week (but we all know me fat chance that's gonna happen)

Side note it's also mine and Jenos birthday on the 23rd so I might put a lil special Jeno chapter out for y'all who knows
But then I'm in hospital on the 25th so FUN TIMES

As always, hope you enjoyed
Be sure to vote for this chapter, comment and add it to any reading lists as it's much appreciated
Thank you ❤️

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