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"Are you sure you don't want me to stay ?" The red head asked, her voice laced with concern.

"I'm sure, this is something I need to do on my own," Jihye said, wrapping her arms around the girl. They had arrived about twenty minutes before the proposed time so she could settle slightly. From the moment they set up the meeting, Hyuna had been cautious with her, constantly asking if she needed her to stay or if she wanted to go home; but it just didn't feel right to do either.

This was something she needed to do on her own.

The closer it got to four, the more anxious she became. From the jittering of her legs, to the tapping of her fingers, it was obvious how the girl felt.

"Jihye I'm going to go now," Hyuna said, slowly standing up while holding onto her friends hand. "Please, please ring me if you need anything"

"I promise I will"

"You better do okay," she leant I'm, giving her one last hug before exiting the cafe.

It had only been about three minutes until the bell to the cafe sounded again. At first, Jihye was too afraid to look up. She knew it was him. They'd purposefully chosen a tiny cafe so no one would recognise him; she was currently the only person in there.

'Just breathe' she whispered to herself, before building up the courage to look in the direction of the entrance. And there he was

Although she had seen him earlier, she hasn't had the chance to really look at him. Even with the different coloured hair, he looked like the boy she fell in love with. The eyes, nose, lips- they were all Jaemin's. A guilty expression was swept across his face as he made eye contact. He had no idea what to do. He had seen this girl everyday for god knows how long, and even lived with her. Yet, after two years he has no idea what to say or do or even act around her. He felt like a stranger.

Cautiously, he made his way towards the table, slowly sliding into the booth, sitting opposite Jihye- She didn't take her eyes off him for one second.

The pair just stared at each other, both too afraid to break the silence.

"Look-" they both started at the exact same time. Jaemin let out a snicker, they used to do this all the time in conversations, it just felt so natural to him. On the other hand, Jihye stiffened at the action, before taking a deep breathe and composing herself.

"I-I just want to hear what you have to say. I need the truth before I can tell you anything on my behalf," she said quietly, stumbling over her words.

"That I can do. Please just promise that you'll listen to me," jaemin said softly, staring intently across the booth at her.

"I promise," she barely whispered out.

"Please look at me Jihye, I cant do this if you aren't looking at me," he said shakily, his nerves evident in his voice. She lifted her head instantly at the boys words, gaining eye contact with him. Her mind screamed for her to make a run for it, to leave him, forget about him, but after seeing how intently he was looking at her, it felt as if her body had been paralysed.

He took another deep breathe before starting.

"So, you know I was scouted during my volunteering work, and how I'd always dreamed of this from Hyuna. But what she didn't tell you was how I dreamed of it all with you. I worked my arse off to try and get money from it and it just wasn't working. By the time if finally trained hard enough for them to let me debut, they noticed something," he dipped his head down, as if he was ashamed of himself.

"On the employees had been following me and saw me coming home to you. By the time if shown up to train the next day, everyone at the company knew and I had been pulled in for a meeting. I told everyone they gave me an ultimatum but that's not what happened," at this point, he was shaking, tears started to pool in his eyes and were threatening to tip over the edge. Jihye couldn't help but to reach out for his hand in an attempt to comfort him. She gently held onto it, pressing small circles into the top.

"They told me that they weren't going to let me debut unless I got rid of you. Obviously I refused and told them no, but they had me held on the contract already. That's when the threats started. At first it was little ones, like they would tell you everything that was going on and how I'd been lying to you. But then it escalated, they were planning to sue you and at some points we're threatening your life. All because I wouldn't let you go. T-that's why u had to do it, I couldn't see you get hurt I-I-couldn't go through that. That's why I decided it was best to just leave, give you a chance to try and forget about me." By the time he had stopped to breathe, both of them had tears streaming down their faces. She couldn't believe what she was being told. All this time she was blaming him, he was actually protecting her.

"I tried to contact you just after we debuted, but management found out and started with the threats again, they even had someone following you just to try and stop me. Every night I used to cry myself to sleep, wishing I could speak to you, or that I could see you again. That's when I remembered about Hyuna. They had no idea who she was, and didn't bother checking her out. Every single day she gave me updates, told me how you were doing, gave you little gifts that I had sent and even sent me some pictures of I had had a bad day. It kept me sane. Time flew by so quickly without you, even once we got new management who had no idea who you were I couldn't bring myself to contact you. I was a coward, I should've done better, I should've fought for you dammit, I-"

Before he could get any more words out, he was pulled into the small girls embrace. At first, he didn't respond due to the shock, but after a few seconds he wrapped his arms around her.

"I've missed you so much, please forgive me I know I don't deserve it bu"

"I never stopped loving you Na Jaemin," she whispered into his ear, slowly rocking him back and forth.

"And I don't think I ever will"


As I said in drive I have so much college work it's unreal so I'm just tryna chill for a bit
Anyways though I owed you all an extra long emotional chapter so HERE YA GO

Also boost my self esteem a bit will ya and vote for this chapter and comment
Love ya.
Adios, till next time

side note: I told y'all I'd finish it before the weekend was over and I did it with quite literally 7 minutes to spare soooooo

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