chapter 2 ~ hugs

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my next proudest chapter is chapter 11 so y'all have some waiting to do since up until then it's cringe


cassie's pov

i wake up to my friend shaking me awake, repeating my name. i groan and open my eyes, only to quickly cover them when the bright light from outside shines in them.

"cassie, your alarms been blaring for 20 minutes! get up!" she shouts, throwing my phone into my chest which still has the alarm echoing. i lazily turn it off and throw it onto my bed beside me as skie flops face down onto the edge of my bed. i'm a very deep sleeper, so alarms seem to never wake me up. i sit up, stretching my arms out and yawning

"you need to get ready" she mumbles, her face still pressed into the sheets

"i know" i sighed, not wanting to move from where i am. skie sat up and i saw she had a sad expression across her face. i slightly smiled, leaning forward and gave her a hug, knowing she was going to miss me

"noooo" she said, pushing me away and standing up as she hates hugs.
"get ready"

"who's pissed in your fruit loops" i say, laughing at myself. she glares at me. but it's okay, we're best friends, it's only friendly jokes

she started walking out of my room to let me get ready
"bye bye skylar" i called, knowing she hates being called by her full name. she turned around and glares at me while i just giggled to myself. i'm such a great friend

as she leaves and closes the door behind her, i drag myself out of my bed and take myself over to my bathroom. i look in the mirror and sigh. i reach over for my toothbrush and toothpaste and start to brush my teeth

i should probably explain everything right?
hey. i'm cassidy, but everyone calls me cassie. and when i say everyone, i mean like the 2 people who know me. and today, is my big day. i'm moving to london. i'm originally from birmingham, but i moved to ireland when i was 6, and i've lived here since then. i don't think i know anyone in england so this is gonna be hard, but hopefully fun.

i'm moving by myself so i'll be leaving my friends behind. i only had a small friendship circle, so it's not as bad as it could be. i just don't wanna leave skie. i bet you're probably asking 'what about your family?'. well. what family? my mum died, my brother ran away and soon after these events my dad committed suicide. so yea, it's just me.

after i'd showered and got dressed, throwing my hair into a messy bun and leaving out makeup, i dragged myself downstairs to find skie sprawled across the sofa with a bowl of cereal. she didn't look happy

i walked over and sat beside her
"we'll still see each other, you know" i said, rubbing her back

"i know. but who am i supposed to live with now? who am i supposed to clean up after?" she said, cracking a slight smile. i laughed and rolled my eyes

"i'm sure you'll be fine. i'll come visit. come on we need to go" i say, standing back up with her copying my actions. we went outside and got into the car which was already filled with all my suitcases. we got in and drove off to the airport.


"im gonna miss you so much" i say, pulling sky into a tight hug, as i knew this time she'd hug back. i really will miss her. she's been there for me through everything since my life crashed down on me. she made me realise that there's a purpose in life. we pulled away from the hug as my eyes started to water, hers doing the same

"have fun, and stay safe" she sniffed, wiping her eyes

"you too," i replied, sadly smiling at her before walking off through the airport. i didn't look back because seeing her again would only make me want to stay

i boarded the plane, draping my mums old cardigan around my shoulders. her cardigan is a reminder that she's still here with me, that she's here to protect me. i really need that reminder right now. my whole life is about to change, whether it's good or bad, and i'm also on a plane which is currently terrifying me.

as the plane takes off i try to stop myself from shaking by bring the cardigan up to my face. it still smells of her, and although it makes me miss her more, i feel relieved. i just hope this flight won't last long

fortunately, the flight was over quickly since it was only to london and before i knew it the plane had landed and i was getting my suitcase. i found a bus that took me close to my new apartment and jumped on it, watching the world pass by out my window. i'm not going to be living in the centre of london, but towards the outskirts where it will be less busy and crowded

i arrived at my apartment and stood staring at the door. this is where my new life begins. this is where everything will change.

was this a bad idea? panic flooded through my body, the same feeling you get when you're at the highest point of a roller coaster and waiting for it to drop, and you start questioning whether you should have done this or not. but as you get to the bottom excitement rushes through you, so i managed to shake this fear off

i smiled, stepping inside and immediately laying on the floor. don't ask why. just take in this moment with me


i got home at like 3am from a britney spears concert it was aMaZiNg but i'm tired.
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