chapter 6 ~ wheres my shoe?

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cassie's pov

i wake up the next day to a major headache and feeling really sick. i open my eyes to see i'm upside down, in an unfamiliar room. . . what happened? i soon realise that i'm hanging off the edge a bed, which would explain why i'm upside down. i manage to pull myself up into a sitting position, putting my hand on my head due to a sharp pain, and i see another girl asleep on the other side of the bed. that's when everything starts to come back to me

i went out last night and made friends - toilet buddies. okay i'm never calling us that again.

across from me sprawled across the bed is becca, beside me face down on the floor is amelia and on the other side of the room is lexi. i notice that none of us are in the clothes from last night, and are in oversized shirts and shorts. i'm guessing they belong to whoever's room this is

i slowly lay back down so i don't get a rush through my head, but i end up falling off the bed. onto amelia.

"OW" she screams, waking the other two up. lexi and becca both sit up but end up holding their heads in pain as i did. we're all hungover

"what happened?" lexi mumbled in her morning voice, managing to sit up

"we're hungover" becca softly replied. for a moment, i completely forgot i was sat on amelia, but i soon remembered once she screamed at me


my ears rang due to her being so loud, and i quickly got off, sitting beside her. she rolled onto her back and put her hands over her face, groaning loudly

"who's house are we in?" i spoke, looking around for any clue of who's it is

"mine," lexi said, managing to stand up
"i'll go get us some paracetamol" she mumbled, stumbling over to the door and leaving

"that's the last time i'm ever drinking again" becca said, pulling the covers over her head.

i sighed laying down on the floor, but quickly got interrupted by more shouting

"YOURE LAYING ON MY HAIR" amelia screamed, holding onto her head in pain

"argh i'm sorry" i said, quickly shuffling over off her long hair which seems to be everywhere. she let out another groan

"ugh who let me get drunk" she mumbled, finally sitting up after me landing on her and ripping her hair out her skull

"i could say the same" i replied, just as lexi walked back in with paracetamol and water. we all took some, except becca who had fallen back asleep

i found my phone and reached over to grab it, checking the time to see that it was 11:30. wow we must have been up late.

"what time do you want us to leave?" i asked, rubbing my eyes

"whenever you feel like leaving" she replied, laying on her bed and burying her face in the pillow.

"i should probably leave now," i said, pulling myself up to stand
"i have a long day of doing nothing ahead of me"

she chuckled into the pillow and i started picking up my stuff which was scattered around the room. amelia was still laying on the floor, cuddling into a pillow and i ended up accidentally kicking her so i immediately apologised

"i'm not really having much luck with you here am i?" i laughed, pushing my hair out of my face.

"please just stop hurting me" she laughed, sitting up and gathering some of her stuff together. she picked up one of her shoes and looked around confused

"hey where's my other shoe?" she asked. seems like it's still missing. i laughed and rolled my eyes

"i don't know, you didn't have it last night either"

"ugh i love those shoes too". i laughed at her misfortune and turned to lexi

"i'm keeping these clothes, by the way" i said, indicating to her shorts and top i was wearing

"fine by me" she replied

before i left, i got all their numbers - well except becca's since she's asleep, so one of the others agreed to send me it when she wakes up. i said my goodbyes and left


i managed to find my way home pretty quickly as she didn't live that far from me, and once i was home i got straight into bed. i looked through my phone to see that i had a text from brook. i smiled to myself and opened it

hey xx

okay it wasn't much but it still means something that he actually texted me. i noticed that he sent it last night, so he's probably waiting for a reply

hey, sorry for the late reply i was out all night xxx

after only a couple of minutes, i got a reply

oh it's alright, who were you with? xxx

well i started off by myself but i managed to make a few friends. we're all hungover now whoops xxx

haha unlucky

so uh do you have any plans for tomorrow? xxx

no why? xxx

well uh i was thinking we could maybe meet up somewhere xxx

i smiled. he actually wants to see me, when does this ever happen?

okay :) xxx

as a date? xxx

i smiled even more. he wants to go on a date with me! i'm so glad this is over text because if this was in person i probably would have started crying by now

even better xxx

okay, the cafe next to the park for 11? xxx

i'll be there xxx

tour tickets come out tomorrow! who's going and to what show?

please remember to vote!

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