chapter 3 ~ marry me

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cassie's pov

by the end of my second day living here, i'd finally finished decorating my apartment. all of the walls surrounding me were covered head to toe in white paint, decorated with pictures and paintings to keep it interesting. the grey wooden floors blanketed the entire apartment, leading to my room and a spare room

in my room, i had my double bed placed in the middle, dressed in multiple blankets and pillows. there were fairy lights draping over the head rest of my bed and around the walls, as well as multiple polaroid's i had taken hanging from them. there was also a wall filled with a collage of pictures of landscapes and of me and my friends/family. they were a small reminder of my friends who ive had to leave behind, and one of the only memories of my family. i also had scented candles dotted around the room as well as the other rooms.

after having a rest from finishing decorating, i decided i should go outside and get used to my surroundings, learn where everything is. i quickly got changed into some black ripped jeans and a loose white shirt which i tied at the front into a slight cropped top. i put on a cream coloured cardigan over the top, and slipped my shoes on before heading out of the house

after a while of wandering, i'd found where the nearest shops were so i'd be able to stock up on food (which i should probably do very soon) and i also found a park which i'm walking through right now. i sat on a bench for a short while and listened to the gentle breeze flowing through the leaves on the trees, having a short rest because my little legs can't walk for very long


after a little while i started walking home, grabbing a drink from starbucks and plugging in my headphones to listen to music. i didn't struggle to find my way back as i didn't wander too far.

as i crossed the road, i heard a loud car horn. i looked up to see that the source of this noise was (obviously) a car inches away from me, screeching to try and stop. i squeezed my eyes shut knowing what was about to happen and waiting for it to be over, but i felt something quite forcefully push me off of the road.

i slowly pushed myself into a sitting position on the ground and opened my eyes to see what had just happened. there in front of me stood a boy, slouched over with his hands on his knees, i'm guessing trying to get his breath back. the car that was coming toward me had stopped before it hit either of us, and was now reversing to turn another way.

the boy stepped forward and held his hand out for me, which i took, ignoring everyone around us staring for what had just happened moments ago. he helped me up and as i got back onto my feet i got a closer view of his features.

he had olive skin (tanned compared to how pale i was) with quiffed hair, blonde with brown roots growing back. he was just a couple inches taller than me and had bright green eyes which i already seemed to be lost in. his lips moved into a smile while his hand brushed through his hair

wow. i need to get me some of this

"did you just-" i started, realising that he's the person who pushed me off the road

"yea" he smiled, slightly laughing before i could finish. wow. he just risked his own life for mine. a complete stranger. just saved me. me!

my lips turned to a smile
"thank you" i said, being genuinely serious. i could have been dead if it wasn't for him

at this point, i realised i was still holding his hand from when he helped me up, so i quickly let go and stepped backwards onto the curb. he was about to stand beside me but a voice, im guessing which belonged to his friend, stopped him

"hey brook! you coming?". brook. even his name is gorgeous. i looked over to see who was shouting and saw who the voice belonged to. standing there was another boy, possibly the same height as brook, maybe taller, who was tanned with dark hair laying across his forehead. i wasn't close enough to properly see his features, but i could see he was good looking. are these people blessed with good looks?

"i'm coming" brook shouted back, before smiling at me and walking away

no he can't leave now! come back! i haven't asked him to marry me yet. i mean it's not like our conversation could have gone on any longer - i've already embarrassed by almost getting ran over and him having to step in and save me.

i let out a sigh and walked home, thinking about why he possibly could have risked his life for mine

i decided to update since it's the first day of school *sighs* and i'm practically crying, how was your day?

please remember to vote!

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