chapter 31 ~ xoxo

987 31 29

cassie's pov

two hot chocolates later and me and tori were best friends. it had been about an hour since noah had left for work, and since then, me and tori and been gossiping none stop. since she'd heard a lot about me from noah, she did a lot of the speaking. i found out that she met noah not long after he'd somehow got the money to move to london and practically adopted him - even though he's older. she's looked after him the whole time, which i'm thankful for, and got the gay best friend she always wanted.

"so, have you spoke to brook at all?" i smirked and laughed

"shut up!" she laughed,
"and yes, this morning" she giggled

"YAY what about?" i asked, instantly intrigued

"nothing really. he asked what i was doing so i said i was about to come see you, so he said have fun and he'll message me later" she said, slightly smiling at the though of him

"you have to text him right now!" i exclaimed,
"i already ship you two so much, i'm making sure this happens"

"but what do i even say" she groaned but laughed

"say that i'm holding you captive and forcing you to speak to him" i giggled. she laughed and got her phone out of her bag

i'm being held captive by cassie and she's forcing me to message you

we both laughed as she placed her phone down on the table, waiting for a reply. her and brook would be a perfect match. they're those people that have something so similar but you can't quite think what.

i feel bad for you being trapped with her

we both read the message as soon as the notification appeared on her screen and we both laughed. i'm not that bad am i? tori picked up her phone and started typing, letting me know she can take it from here

i know she's annoying

"hey!" i laughed,
"i can read you know"

"you can?" she giggled. we realised that we were being slightly too loud and were gaining a few glares from the other customers, so we lowered our voices slightly

oh well i guess we can bully her ;)

"hey let me borrow this a second" i giggled, snatching tori's phone and writing my own message

insult me and i'll bloody delete your kneecaps - cassie 💋 xoxo

calm down love

it's me again

hey gorgeous

"he's flirting" i instantly blurted out

"shut up!" she shouted and laughed,
"he's not flirting, he's just being. . . complimentary" she continued

"yea sure. now message him back so he can ask you out" i replied, pushing her phone closer towards her

she's fangirling now, she really ships us

oh god so does everyone else

"see! you're meant to be!"

"oh shut up" she rolled her eyes and laughed,
"and anyway, what makes you think i'm actually single?"

"i'm pretty sure you would have mentioned whoever it would be by now" i laughed, pointing out the obvious,
"and you kept staring at him the other day"

"no i wasn't! . . okay maybe i was" she confesses, blushing slightly through her makeup

help she's bullying me

what about?


i'm gonna have to say something for her to stop arent i?

like what?

i grinned as tori completely forgot i was reading the messages over her shoulder, waiting for what brook was about to say to her that she was somehow completely oblivious to

. . . do you maybe wanna go on a date with me?

we don't have to

it's only if you want to

as soon as we'd read the messages i accidentally let out a loud screech of excitement, instantly covering my mouth with my hands. she smiled a lot, laughing slightly at how nervous he was about it

"BLOODY SAY YES OR I WILL" i laughed, once again gaining stares from other people

"calm down!" she giggled, blushing slightly
"but he only asked since he knew you'd eventually force him"

"he would never have asked if i somehow didn't encourage him" i replied,
"he likes you, you like him. now say yes!" i begged. she started to smile, knowing that she really wanted to.

of course i do, no need to be nervous about it :)

i'll get planning then :)

"i think you need to thank me" i grinned, putting my head in my hands, proud of practically getting tori and brook together

"nope" she replied, sipping on her drink and looking me dead in the eye. i reached over and flicked her forhead, resulting in her slapping my hand

half an hour later, we decided that we should go home since we'd been sat in the cafe for quite a few hours. we agreed to meet up again soon, maybe bringing the other girls along. we parted ways, going off to our own homes

can i quit school yet?

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