chapter 8 ~ pillow fight

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cassie's pov

it's been a couple days since i was out to see brook. we've spoke a lot since then. i've also managed to stay in contact with the girls i met when we were all drunk; and we're all currently at lexi's again for a sleepover

"let's not get drunk this time, i don't want to loose anymore shoes" amelia laughed, placing her bag down on the side.

"yea we've all had enough crying for now" i replied, laughing and still finding it funny that she lost her shoe

now you see in all the movies that typical girl sleepovers are all cute and fun; pillowfights, talking about boys and all that stuff. every girl you'll meet will say 'that's not what we do at sleepovers', but that is exactly what we did - in our own way of course

we started off with a pillow fight. not one of the cute ones, a very aggressive pillow fight. me and amelia were on a team while lexi and becca were on a team. i think it was pretty obvious that my team won. i ended up jumping onto lexis back while amelia and becca just laid on the floor. lexi ended up falling over and i landed on her, so i win. they both think otherwise

now we're all just sat around the room, eating junk food and ranting about our lives. it already seems like we know everything about each other, and that we've been best friends for years, but it's only been days. i'd just finsihed telling them the story of jack, since they'd managed to open up to me about everything

"ugh i hate boys" lexi said, laying on her front cuddling a pillow

"i'm just forever alone" becca laughed

"i have my cat, i don't need boys" amelia giggled. it's true, her cat is too cute to need any other boy in her life

"it's just so hard to hate them when they're always so good looking" i laughed

"okay who have you met" becca immediately asked, probably knowing by the look in my eyes

"no one! . . . okay he's called brook" i admitted, smiling just by saying his name

"oof i like his name" she said. who wouldnt?

"does he have a nice back?" amelia asked and i laughed

"probably. he's bloody gorgeous as well. and guess what!" i almost shouted, smiling my head off

"what?!" they all slightly shouted back, laughing

"he's in a band! that means there's more fit people!" i exclaimed, also laughing

"WHATS THE BAND CALLED?" lexi practically screamed in my face

"i don't know i didn't ask. but i saw him with his friend the other day who was also fit, so he's probably in the band as well"

i spoke to them for a while longer about brook, and they seemed to really like him, which i was happy about. but they were getting annoyed at me for constantly texting him the whole time i was there. oops

i ended up being the first to fall asleep which is normal - i love sleep so why shouldn't i be the first. soon later the others fell asleep too, causing us to actually be quiet for once, which was unusual but who's complaining

this is just a short chapter so i'll be posting another tomorrow.

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